Chapter 13: Hyperion's Power Couple

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Hyperion's Power Couple

Two Years Later:

Axton's eyes were cold as they looked over the Hyperion worker that cowered before him. He looked like a rat. Curled up in the wake of Axton's boots.

"You wanna run that by me again?" Axton snarled.

The worker fidgeted nervously and fumbled to form words.

"T-The shipment of weapons going to the Hyperion outpost in the highlands...was compromised by...bandits....w-we lost the shipment...." He stuttered looking at Axton with wide, fearful eyes.

Axton's grabbed the front of the workers shirt and hauled him up off his feet. His shoes dangled off the floor and he choked against Axton's grasp.

"Shame. I didn't like your answer the second time either." Axton snarled.

Axton dropped the man on the floor and grabbed the worker by the neck. He snapped the man's neck to the side with a quick pop and the worker fell to the floor limply. The screening room had seemed to pause with the outbreak of commotion. Axton looked up to the workers clacking away around him. They all seemed to hurry back to typing as Axton scanned the room. It was almost as if he'd cracked a whip and screamed at them all to get back to work. Axton snorted and stepped over the body of the worker. Axton trudged over to another worker and grabbed his chair, flinging it around, forcing the man to look at him.

"You. You're head of looking after shipment orders now. Got it." Axton said jabbing his finger into the man's chest.

The man nodded dumbly. Axton stepped away from the chair irritably and crossed his arms, observing the room again. He never would have thought overseeing these Hyperion fucks would be so damned difficult. Keeping them all in line proved to be quite the task most days. Axton sighed out and ran his hand through his hair.

Suddenly the large double doors to Axton's back burst open.

Axton turned to looked over her left shoulder casually. He was met by the million dollar smile he knew and loved all too well. Jack closed the gap between them, looked down at the floor and gingerly stepped over the dead worker.

"Oh pumpkin looks like someone's been busy. Rough day?" Jack mused whisking his fingers over Axton's broad shoulders.

"You're getting so ruthless. Love the way you're handling these idiots kiddo." Jack hissed leaning on Axton coolly.

Axton cocked a little smile at Jack and shrugged.

"What can I say, I learned from the best." Axton chuckled.

Jack laughed and patted Axton's back.

"I can't argue with that statement. So kiddo, have you forgotten about tonight or what?" Jack whispered in Axton's ear.

"Naw. Just about done here. Gonna get a shower, then get dressed." Axton said turning to look at Jack.

Jack smiled fondly.

"Well get a move on kiddo. Can't be late to our own shindig." Jack said clapping Axton's shoulder.

Axton nodded and followed Jack out of the room. Conversation about the day filled the trip up to Jack's living quarters. As soon as they were behind closed doors Axton was peeling off the day's work clothes and tossing them onto the floor. He had to admit, Jack's hired cleaning workers really had him spoiled. You'd leave clothes on the floor and in the morning they were freshly washed, folded, and put away as if they'd never been worn in the first place.

Axton turned the nobs on the shower and stepped into the steaming water.

"Mind if I join kitten?" Jack said soaking in Axton's naked, wet form.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now