Chapter 6: The Ringleader

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The Ringleader

Jack's belt jingled quietly as he hauled his pants back up and worked on redoing all the catches. He sighed out slowly, the breath escaping his thin lips in nothing more than a whisper of a sound.

Axton took another slow sip of the water, cool liquid easing his dry throat. He looked at Jack, and then back down at his own predicament. He was still hopelessly hard, even without stimulation, even just looking upon Jack was enough to keep him aroused. He whimpered almost silently, pitifully.

He needed it so badly.

Just another form of ridiculous torture that Jack had found to press upon him. It was so unfair. Jack seemed not to notice and instead turned in his chair, pulling up his documents once more, clearly more physically relaxed and unwound than before. Axton guessed that was one good thing...maybe he'd be easier to deal with...and not so quick to push that button of his...

Axton chewed his lip.

He was hot all over, cheeks flushed, erection angry and needing.

"Jack..." Axton croaked.

Jack turned and raised his eyebrow at the needy man in the chair across the room.

"Please..." Axton sighed weakly.

Jack's smile was justification enough for Axton to realize it would not be that easy. Axton sat eyeing Jack, eyebrows drawn, dog tag swaying ever so slightly, the diamonds catching the light and reflecting it around the room in tiny rainbows. Jack motioned for Axton to pull his chair up to the desk, beside Jack's. Axton reluctantly did so, and returned to his seated position, just about a foot and a half from Jack.

"Go ahead. Take care of it." Jack said sneering.

Axton looked at him with pleading eyes. He wished Jack was not so greedy with his pleasure. What Axton wouldn't do to have Jack's smart mouth around him. But part of him new that was fantasy alone. Jack would never kneel before a bandit.

"Myself...?" Axton questioned quietly.

"Yes yourself. So go ahead pet. Just don't get it on me." Jack snarled teasingly.

Axton groaned. He guessed it was better than nothing. But this was beyond awkward. Axton had never partaken in actions such as this, where the other party simply...observed. Jack turned in his chair. Eyebrows raised in curiosity and intrigue.

What a dick, Axton thought angrily.

But god he needed it too badly to complain.

Axton slowly undid the button of his uniform and drew the zipper down. He pushed the bunched material downward and pulled himself from its confines. His shaft was sticky with wept pre-cum. He took his hardness into his own gruff palm. The skin of his male anatomy was so soft against his calloused hand. Axton squeezed upward, pulling the skin, head disappearing into his fist, then reappearing again as he pushed and pulled himself.

His mouth hung a little slack, a low moan slipping out without his consent.

Jack looked with interest, smile clinging to his perfect face.

"That's it commando. Feels good doesn't it...?" Jack whispered slowly.

So this is what he had in mind. Watch and simply egg Axton on with his voice alone. Normally Axton would give anything just for the Hyperion president to shut the fuck up, but now...oh now he couldn't get enough of his honey sweet voice.

"Y-Yeah..." Axton answered softly, eyelids drooping.

Axton squeezed harder, pressing his thumb to the underside of his swollen head. Jack's snickered lowly.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now