Chapter 25: Seeing Ghosts

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Seeing Ghosts

Axton shook his head, his mouth gaping open and then closing again, trying to form words or thoughts but none coming to him. He had to have imagined it. He was just hearing things. There was no way that he had actually called him...that. There was no way he could have known that. Only Jack knew that. Only Jack ever called him that.

The doppelganger stretched his arms up casually and shot Axton a devious, playful smile.

"You know I don't believe I stuttered..." The double cooed sweetly.

Axton stared at him with unbelieving, frightened eyes.

"I-I asked what did you me...?" Axton questioned again his voice shaking.

The double rolled his eyes and huffed out. He gently hauled himself up off the bed and approached Axton's shaking form. He stood just slightly taller than Axton as he ran his fingers down the commando's chin. A wicked smile curled across his thin lips as he pressed his forehead against the bigger male's.

"I believe I called" The man paused for a moment.

"It's been a while huh babe?" He whispered his breath low and slight as it passed his lips.

Axton's eyes widened, he felt his body freeze, his heart was pounding out of his chest. Suddenly his head grew light and his vision became fuzzy. His eyes rolled back in his head and he fainted.

Axton's eyes shifted beneath his lids as he came to. He groaned out and rolled onto his back. His palm immediately went to his throbbing head, rubbing along the back of his skull. He could feel a lump there that was painful to the touch and doused with the sticky sensation of liquid. He brought his fingers around to his face, and found there was a little sparkling red clinging to them.

"Fuck..." He whispered out.

What the hell had happened?

He'd been having the weirdest fucking dream that was for sure. He blinked a couple of times, his blurred vision finally coming into focus. His pupils grew as they soaked in his surroundings, a whole new wave of panic flooding over him. He sat up quickly, his throbbing head quickly objecting the sudden movement. He moaned out and pressed his hands against his head.

Jesus his head was pounding.

He looked around his heart thumping in his ribcage frantically. This was not his bedroom. The dark red interior and dim lighting confessed to that quickly. He swallowed hard. He hadn't...been dreaming after all....

"Took a nasty spill there kiddo." Came a voice from beside him.

Axton yelped, shot up out of the bed, tripping over the comforters and tumbled backward onto the floor again. He scrambled to his feet just in time to catch the un-amused gaze settled over him from the other side of the round bed. Axton pressed his back against the wall, staring fearfully at the double...Jack...thing... a few feet from him.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck...I'm hallucinating....yup just hearing things...fuck." Axton stuttered rubbing his head frantically.

Jack rolled his eyes at him.

"Jeez kiddo didn't think you'd freak out this bad." He muttered sitting up slowly.

"Y-You can't possibly know about Jack calling me that, heard it from had to have heard it from somewhere. You better tell me where the fuck you heard that from right now doppelganger!" Axton bellowed his words fast and slurred.

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now