Chapter 17: You Taste Like Cigarettes

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You Taste Like Cigarettes

The night was warm. Not unusual on Pandora. Their winters were temperamental and often hot. Their summers were enough to cook an egg right on the ground. Fall wasn't much better. Spring about the same. Pandora was pretty much one big hot fucking season. Axton sat on the bottom of the pool, legs crossed, the occasional bubble slipping from his lips and racing to the surface. It was quiet here. Not a sound, just the silence the water provided. It was heavy over him, surrounding him...engulfing him.

His vision was blurred as he opened his eyes underneath the glassy water. The water was dark, the moon being the only light provided. For a moment he wondered what it would be just not go up for air. Just simply fade away. He already felt like he was getting there. Fading slowly, until there would be nothing left, and nobody would miss him. Nobody would even know of his presence that was once here. He let loose a large bubble of air and his lungs seemed to squeeze, needing the oxygen that did not exist. It would be so much easier that way. On days like this, he wished he'd never come to this god forsaken planet. There was nothing here but pain. With a great push of his feet against the pool floor Axton jetted toward the surface and broke it with a gasp for oxygen. He treaded water and slowly made his way to the pool steps.

He sat down on them, half his body sprawled across the outside cement, half still in the water.

He looked up at the twinkling stars, all winking down at him and taunting him. Taunting him with far off places away from all this. Axton slowly drew little circles on the cement with his wet fingers. It had been nearly a week now. He'd simply just separated himself from everything. He hadn't been back to the hospital room. Only checked on Maya's medical records, making sure she was doing alright and still in recovery. He hadn't been able to bring himself to go again. What more could he say to her?

"I'm sorry I betrayed us all?"

There was nothing more to say there. Nor was there more to say to Jack. There was nothing to say there. At least nothing he actually wanted to say. He had avoided him for days, and it wasn't hard seeing as Jack had not been back to the living quarters in a week. Axton wanted to wonder where he was, and wanted to know he was ok....but he could not bring himself to care. Why should he care about Jack's whereabouts or wellbeing, when Jack obviously did not care about his. So many thoughts raced through his brain.

What did Jack have in store for the Siren? Could he stop him? Would he stop him? Would she even want Axton help...?

Most likely not. Not after what he had done. The ultimate betrayal. He was no longer a bandit, or a vault hunter. That was all long gone. For so long he'd held onto that little sliver of thought, managing to convince himself that deep down he was still a vault hunter. That was such a lie. A lie to keep him sane. The moment he fell for Jack, he was no longer a Vault Hunter. He gave that up, and that was that. There was no going back.

No taking it back.

No fixing this.

No amount of tape and glue could ever put that allegiance back together.

Axton sighed out raggedly and leaned his chin on the cool concrete. The water lapped gently at his back and was soft against his skin. Everything around him was just utterly broken. Everything was shattered to pieces. He had nothing left to hold onto. Nothing left to loose. Nothing left at all.

The night was so quiet. Not a soul stirred down below. It was well past three in the morning. Everyone in the right mind was tucked into bed. Curled around their significant other, their nose tucked into the nape of their neck. The way he'd used to do to Jack...

( Completed ) Pet play | Axton X handsome JackWhere stories live. Discover now