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a month went by.

shinsou and kaminari's relationship was still at the same pace. love, hurt, love, hurt. sometimes shinsou even dragged him back to that stupid hell of a bar, with monoma of course. it was a routine kaminari wish he wasn't used to.

kaminari called in sick quite a lot during that one month. he never was though, it was only for the days where he was in so much pain he didn't bother to cover up the bruises - or to moving in general. thankfully, aizawa thought it was flu season or something and didn't find anything suspicious. sometimes he'd send kami to recovery girl, but his idiotic acting skills somehow got passed. his makeup skills helped him too. surprisingly, he wasn't so bad at makeup, dealing it with for almost a year made him learn very quickly.

sadly, due to his frequent absence it resulted with him becoming a little distant to some of his friends, just like last year. in shinsou's opinion, he didn't care if came to school or not. he just wanted kaminari to listen when he wanted to see him.

today was one of those days where he called in, the third day in a row actually. it was just a quiet friday evening in may - it was finally the weekend.

kaminari locked himself up in his room and messed around with makeup, hiding and fixing all his scars. staring at each one made him uneasy, so he covered them up quite fast.

"he loves me."

he loves me not.


jirou strummed her guitar softly. kaminari and her never did hangout, which made her feel less appreciated than she already was. but she expected it, who would want to hangout with her anyways? sure they talked, but it was like they never saw eachother's weak points that morning. the darkness stirring inside her just grew, throwing jirou off her game from everyone and everything.

she had gotten a text earlier from yaomomo to come down to the common area for some games and just a night to hangout with everyone. she took up the offer, but she didn't really know if she actually wanted to go.

"just keep up the act," she told herself, taking a deep breath.

getting up from her bed, she placed her guitar down and grabbed her phone and earbuds. her music on shuffle, as usual. music was the only thing that kept her at ease. it was sad thinking that not even momo was able to help, because jirou didn't want her to get involved.

"i wonder if kaminari is coming,"

leaving her dorm room, kyouka made her way to the elevator. as it opened, someone walked up beside her; low and behold it was denki himself. there were visible eye bags under his usually shining golden eyes. not today though - to be honest, he looked dead. she hasn't seen him for the past three days, it looks like he was in some undercover illegal gang.

"jirou! hey it's been awhile!" he still had the same smile across his face though, with the same playful voice.

"hey, yeah it has," she admitted, stepping inside and pulling out one earbud, "are you doing okay?"

"mhm, my neck is all better," he said, trailing behind.

it was partially a lie. it was true, his neck was okay, but jirou wouldn't have known considering he's been hiding it with makeup. however, his mental and physical state not so much.


jirou didn't know what to say really. there was still something inside her, a gut feeling of some sort. yet, she put on a somewhat real smile.

"i've been great! the band is coming along well in school and we're performing at the school sports festival soon. you should come see us,"

kaminari nodded, "i'll check you guys out for sure, just come stop by the soccer field for our awesome game against the teachers!"

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