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eleven in the morning and their plan was already in action. the kids were at the dinner table talking quickly, trying not to waste time.

"okay yeah hide those snacks in the fridge,"

"we'll take her out to eat, make sure she doesn't go into the kitchen,"

"kiri, you better make this place fucking amazing!"

"you got it, tsuyu and i will do our best!"

"three years and i'm still telling you. call me tsu, kirishima,"

"nice decorations, they look great!"

"anything for mon ami!"

"yaomomo, the video and projector are ready?"


"momo, it's time to wake her up,"

"oh right! thanks shou. kaminari, you're up!"



light knocks were pressed upon jirou's door. mumbling inaudible words, the girl rolled up and out of bed. she rubbed her eyes and went to the door.

"good morning," jirou yawned, not knowing who was standing before her.

a loud buzz was made and then a voice, "happy birthday kyouka!"

the sudden noise made her jump. when jirou opened her eyes, in front of her was kaminari with a.. kazoo?

"what're are you doing with that?"

instead of replying he played "happy birthday" on the little red toy.

it made the birthday girl giggled, "why thank you, you big goof,"

"now," he grinned, taking the kazoo from his mouth, "go get ready!! everyone's waiting for you!"

jirou was pushed back into her dorm. kaminari shut the door quickly and waited outside.

"i wonder what they did now,"


"happy birthday jirou!"

jirou ran out of the elevator and was greeted by a huge group hug. there was a pretty, simple, purple banner on the top saying 'happy birthday'.

"aw, i love this! thank you guys!" jirou smiled gratefully

"this isn't all, get ready for the real fun kyou!" yaomomo informed, "you better have your bag ready, because we're going to the amusement park!"

jirou's eyes lit up right away. she's always wanted to go, the last time she went was when she was little with her family. jirou loved the feeling of just being out and about - and happy of course - with her friends.

"i love you momo, this is gonna be great!"


before they went to the park, they stopped by ihop. the teen at least spent an hour there, maybe a bit more. once they finished, kirishima and tsuyu slipped away quietly.

"oi jirou, here,"

jirou looked to her right, where bakugou was sitting. he looked embarrassed but brushed it off by handing her a tiny, black box with a cute little red bow.

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