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"you weren't at school friday."

kaminari felt his face grow pale. now he really blew it, his only chance to get to jirou was gone. the poor boy was thinking of a lie so fast, he had forgotten what happened on thursday evening.

» flashback «

kaminari laid on his bed, his head slightly spinning. after school, his friends wanted to go into town for some karaoke or something so he tagged along. except being in that confined room with pretty loud music made his head hurt a bit. yet he stayed till the end and somehow made it back to the dorms.

unfortunately, he didn't have any pills or medicine and he didn't have much energy to get up and ask one of the guys. his phone was also left on his desk, on silent because it kept going off in class.

kami pulled up his hoodie and tied a bow mumbling, "maybe i should sleep..."

he shut his eyes and dozed off slowly, hoping to be better when he awoke.

however that wasn't the case an hour later.

there were twenty or maybe more missed calls from shinsou, spams of text messages, a few voice mails too.

kaminari woke up from his hour nap and sat up slowly. his head wasn't as bad as before, but there was still a minor migraine. he stood up fully, walking towards his phone. when kaminari picked it up, there was pure terror in his eyes.

"oh fuck...."

immediately after seeing all of his stacked up notifications, he ran to his door, opened it and was about to run out. except the person he was going to look for, was already standing there.

"ah! h-hitoshi.. hey.." kaminari stuttered, "when d-did you get here..?"

"denki..." shinsou said lowly, "where were you, and why weren't you answering you phone?"

at this point, shinsou had invited himself in, shutting the door quietly behind him. kaminari backed up until they reached his bed, where the blonde fell and sat.

"listen.. i-i'm sorry... i went out after school and turned off my phone.. and uh, well when i came back i felt horrible so i went to bed..." kami explained.

shinsou crept in closer, "why didn't you tell me you were going out?"

"i forgot! i didn't mean to i swear, i-i'm sorry.. i wasn't alone though, it was just my friends,"

it's like a spark lit up in shinsou's deep purple eyes. he chuckled, "oh denki, remember what i told you?"

just as kaminari was about to explain who he was with, he felt a hand grip his sweater and pull him forward. another hand held his shoulder.

"you're supposed to tell me who you're with and where you go! why don't you just listen to for once?! it's like you don't understand what i'm ever telling you!"


shinsou was furious and didn't care if kaminari tried to interrupt him. he continued to ramble on with an angry tone.

"who were you with? i swear to fucking god if that annoying little prick was with you—"

"kyouka wasn't there!" kaminari exclaimed, "it was just eiji, bakugou, sero and ashido!"

shinsou cocked his head to the side, gripping even tighter onto kami's sweater. he pushed the terrified boy back into the wall, slamming his back and making him cough. his head also slammed back, causing his mini migraine to grow intensely.

"i hate that first name basis..." shinsou growled.

nothing was said. kaminari was coughing hysterically with his aching back and head. shinsou let him go to fall in his bed. he walked away, still angry.

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