epilouge | saving you

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everyone's drowning in their own problems. for these two, it seemed as if they weren't going to reach the surface. except all they needed was a bit of saving.

five years later . . .

"hurry up guys, the fireworks will start soon and we need the best view!"

another year has rolled around, a new start for everyone as always. the start to this year was rather exciting though, because the old class of 3-a was finally having a reunion. their entire class spent the day at the new years festival, making the most out of their day. they were even able to drag aizawa along, he didn't even know why he decided to come. it gave kaminari and jirou a nostalgic feeling.

night fell upon them, and like every year there was going to be a firework display. however since there were so many of them, they wanted to find a big space where they could all fit. iida had the great idea to head up one of the hills near by the park, where they could all lay and admire the colourful show.

a quiet voice mumbled under the commotion, "i missed you guys,"

heads turned and people gave weak smiles. jirou blushed as she realized everybody heard her.

"i missed you guys too!" uraraka giggled.

"it's been way too long,"

"tch, you're all still fuckin' annoying as ever,"

"we missed you too bakugou,"

"fuck off,"

"oh boy, we're definitely still chaotic"

"mhm, i don't know how all the teachers dealt with us. oh, especially you, mr. aizawa!"

aizawa facepalmed, "me neither,"

laughter circled around as they reminisced about their highschool days. aizawa sighed, but a small grin formed on the corners of his mouth.

"hey hey, let's take a group picture quickly!"

everyone gathered around, getting the camera and setting it up with a timer. a few photos were taken, ones that looked serious and some goofy ones. they turned out adorable, just like the group photos they would take in yuuei.

just then, the fire works started. everyone turned their attention towards the flying colours. they oohed and awed, clapping and chatting about how beautiful the show was.

"they're always so pretty," jirou whispered.

her boyfriend turned his head, looking down at jirou who was leaning against him. kaminari smiled to himself, admiring the sight he saw every year on the same day. the look on jirou's face was indescribable, yet it made kaminari really happy.

"kyou, you really love the firework show huh?" kaminari asked while the the colours danced in the sky.

jirou turned away from the sight in the sky for a moment, "well yeah, i always thought they were gorgeous. except i treasure it even more now,"

"because of that day?"


they cuddled closer together, jirou in his embrace, "i'm glad you're this happy every year,"

the fireworks sounded like they got louder and louder, creating magnificent patterns in the sky. the reds, oranges, and yellows blended in together, making it look like a warm fire. the blues, greens, and purples painted the sky and it looked like the northern lights seen in stories. together it looked like a strike of rainbows. the stars that twinkled in the sky were slightly visible, making it more beautiful.

"i love you so much,"

"i love you more,"

"happy anniversary."


it was after the festival and there were stars in night sky. kaminari and jirou were walking down the moon lit pathway towards their shared apartment, hand in hand like always.

"kyouka, remember when we had to say what our best decision was in highschool?" kaminari asked suddenly.

jirou turned her head, "of course,"

"do you remember what your decision was?"

"i could never forget. what about you?"

"mine's as memorable as yours,"

kaminari gave his signature smile, just like he would in highschool. it warmed jirou's heart with love and she blushed. they stopped walking under the pale moonlight, looking at eachother peacefully.

"wanna say them together? on the count of three," kaminari suggested

jirou nodded in agreement.


i was desperately reaching for the surface.


then i felt your grasp.


"it was saving you."

thank you for saving me.

the end .

saving you | kamijirouWhere stories live. Discover now