twenty six

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after laying on the couch and being given ice from hamasaki, she received food for the first time in a while. just as she replenished her health though, kendo and shinsou came back. it seemed like they were high on something, their eyes were bloodshot red.

"hey you asshat! you're such a disgrace," kendo slurred, walking to jirou.

hamasaki moved out of the way as the two kids walked back in. kendo grabbed jirou and dragged her back to hamasaki's room, muttering inaudible words.

"our prisoners deserved to be locked up," kendo sneered, throwing jirou into the room.

jirou's back hit the floor, her head slamming as well. the door slammed shut and there was yelling outside. jirou rubbed her eyes and sat up, a headache forming.

"itsuki... he's still in there.." jirou whispered to herself.

she fell back again, exhausted. soon enough, jirou fell into a slumber on the wooden floor. it was the first time she's gotten a solid nap in three days.

back at the bar, shinsou was slouched snoring on the couch. kendo was going off on hamasaki, saying that he was being soft towards jirou. it wasn't surprising though, those two would always fight the most.

"i haven't seen you with such a look on your face, it's disgusting," kendo scoffed.

"shut up, i was just giving her food. if we wanted her dead she would've been a long time ago," hamasaki groaned.


"fuck you,"


seven fifteen pm.

bakugou was driving, kaminari in the passenger seat giving him directions. they were almost to the bar, about ten to fifteen more minutes away. the bar was in the middle of downtown, and they just arrived.

"okay so, there may be a problem," kaminari said, remembering something from the last time he visited.

bakugou retorted, "wait there's a fucking problem?"

"just listen. so, the bar entrance is a in an alley way. behind the building is where shinsou and them park the van and there's a broken fence where they cut through to the main road. that's their only entry point and exit point, so as soon as they leave we need to catch them,"

"how do we get the car back there?" todoroki asked, moving his sunglasses down.

"there's an entry point for cars, but it's another fifteen minutes away from the actual location,"

"fine, i'll drop you and half n' half off to scope the area first,"

"alright," the two boys said in unison.

todoroki swung the bag onto his back, which held many things that may come useful. kaminari felt adrenaline rush through him as he lowered the window.

"take the first right," he said, a cool breeze swooping by.

his heart thumped, faster and faster. it's only been three days, but everyone in the car was so very anxious to see jirou.

"you think.. kyou's okay..?" yaoyorozu mumbled, quietly from the back seat.

kaminari bit his lip. he didn't want to admit it, but he already knew it in his mind. hanging around shinsou and his thug friends for only a couple hours felt like hell, so living with them for three days was practically death itself.

"jirou's a strong girl, ponytail. i'll beat those bastards if they did hurt her," bakugou assured, a mean tone in his talk.

todoroki rubbed his hand on his girlfriend's, "bakugou's right, we'll get her out safe and sound,"

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