Chapter 1

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It's about six-thirty on Sunday 6 November 2016.
Everyone is expected back in New York at around three the afternoon.
Just about everyone was up and packing most of their clothes.
Maya goes to sit down at the vanity and starts to brush the blonde locks which was as stubborn as ever.
She finds a scrunchie and ties her hair in a ponytail.
She was just wearing jeans, a light pink shirt and brown boots.
Her usual fit for the winter days which was for now there.
She sees Riley staring out of the window and walked over.
In November?
That is early.
But Maya doesn't see it like that.
Her phone suddenly rings and she knows who it is.

"Mrs Morgenstern? Everything okay?" Maya asked.
"Are you still at the Mount Sun Lodge?" Judy asked.
"Yes. We're leaving in a few hours. Why?" Maya asked.
"You're going nowhere. They closed all roads. There is a huge snow stork coming," Judy said.
"I'll let everyone know. Thank you," Maya said and hang the phone up.
"Riley round everyone up," Maya said.

Quick enough everyone was round up in the lobby and discussing what is going on.

"Riley what is going on?" Cory asked.
"Maya wanted to talk to everyone," Riley said.
"Ava's mother called me. We're going nowhere soon. They closed all the roads," Maya said.
"How come?" Farkle asked.
"Huge snow storm on the way," Maya said and her phone rang.
"Maya, hello? Yes it's her. We heard. No we're trapped at the mountains. I'll do so. Goodbye Mr Turner. The principal. School is closed until the roads are open," Maya said.
"I better give my college a call," Josh said and was off.
"Give your parents a call kids. I'm going to call Judy," Topanga said.

Everyone did their calls and then they packed everything out.
They knew it wasn't the ideal situation so they weren't very happy.
But all on Maya's mind was what is going to happen now.
She unpacked and then she video called her mom.

"Baby Girl. Thank goodness. We heard about the roads closed and we're worried," Katy said.
"We?" Maya asked and saw Shawn.
"Hey. Where are you?" Shawn asked.
"The Lodge. We can't go anywhere," Maya said.
"Neither can we. Besides if we walk. Stay there. You're safer. As soon as you're back we'll plan everything but for now we need to wait this storm over. Listen it's going to get so bad you're not going to be able to reach us. But we're fine, okay?" Shawn said.
"Of course. I have to go. Stay safe."
"You too. Bye," Katy said.

Maya puts her phone on her bed and grabs her guitar.
She hasn't actually been playing much but she wanted to start again.
But where does she actually start?
It's just a little goofing off.
She started to play around with the chords and soon enough she was frustrated.

"I didn't know you could play," Josh said.
"I can't. Not actually. I know a little," Maya said and Josh sat down next to her.
"May I?" Josh asked and Maya gave her guitar over.
"Okay. I did this when I was probably in Grade 7 about five, six years ago so let's see what I can remember," Josh said.

Quickly he got the hand of it and Maya could see he knew what he was doing.
But not just that.
The melody sounded familiar.
She didn't know why he chose that song but they have the same taste.

"I saw you there, so beautiful
You stopped and stared, so magical
Then you asked me for my name
And we took an uptown train
Before you leave, get up to go
I wanna know
Do you like Shakespeare? Jeff Buckely?
Watching movies on Sunday?
Do you like kissing when it's raining?
Making faces in the station?
Do you like, I need to know
What do you like? before you go
You walk me home, so wonderful
It starts to snow, it's incredible
Now we're walking up my street
And you slowly turn to me
You're three inches from my lips
But before we do this
Do you like Shakespeare? Jeff Buckely?
Watching movies on Sunday?
Do you like kissing when it's raining?
Making faces in the station?
Do you like, I need to know
What do you like? before you go, oh oh
Show me the place where you come from
And the places you dream of
I wanna know everything you are
But before we get that far
What do you like, I need to know
What do you like, before you go
Do you like Shakespeare? Jeff Buckely?
Watching movies on Sunday?
Do you like kissing when it's raining?
Making faces in the station?
Cause I like Shakespeare? Jeff Buckely?
Watching movies on Sunday?
Do you like kissing when it's raining?
Making faces in the station?
Do you like, yea yea yea yea."

"Wow. I never knew you could sing like that," Josh said.
"I never actually sing," Maya said as she shook her head.
"Why?" Josh asked.

Josh never actually talked to Maya before.
They have talked a few times but each time she was awkward.
Now she isn't.
She was... Herself.
But it was weird that a College Freshmen was talking to a High School Sophomore.

"I just don't. I don't know. I don't think I can make it work," Maya said.
"Well you'll never know unless you try," Josh said.

He smiled to Maya as he gave her the guitar back before leaving.
She wasn't sure what to make out of this all but she knows that she was very cool about everything.

Maya's pov

What just happened?
I'm hoping someone does cause...
Who Maya?
Who'll know what just happened between you and Josh Matthews?
You and Josh Matthews.
But I have no idea if it's good or bad.
There goes the butterflies again.
When am I going to get my life together?

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