Chapter 18

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"You know I think you've won my mother over."

Josh and Maya was laying in each other's arms in Josh's bed.
After Maya bonded with Alan he insisted that the two of them stay over for the night.
Josh wasn't for it but eventually Maya said that it would be nice.
Amy didn't look like she cared because her husband was laughing and happy for once.

"Think she did it because your dad asked us to stay a bit. You still mad at her?" Maya asked.
"I just don't understand how her head works. She is so mean the one moment and the other she tries to convince us to stay. Women," Josh said causing Maya to smack him on the chest.
"Hey! She had every right. If I was she and my son brought home a girl while my husband was fighting I would be upset as well. She is acting normal Josh," Maya said.
"I don't think so but okay. Listen we probably have to head home soon," Josh said causing Maya to sigh.
"Yeah I know. Why don't we go back late the Sunday afternoon? Your parents enjoy having you here. I can see that. They clearly don't see you much," Maya said making Josh look at her.

He hasn't said much to her since they got to the house since he was hanging out with his father.
Maya never had a father and now she kinda does have one.
Alan was acting much like a dad to her and she was acting like the daughter Morgan was to them.
But why?
How could she be so comfortable?
Cause she's Maya Josh.
That's why.

"They don't. I tend to ignore any changes of fights with them so I don't come over a lot. Guess my mother doesn't like that a lot," Josh said.
"Why don't you come over more then? Not like they live very far away. You can always come over for a weekend or so," Maya said.
"Yeah guess I can. It's just not on the top of my priority list at the moment. How are you? This thing with my parents aren't actually really good for when you have just lost your own."

Shallow tears start forming in Maya's eyes and she sighed.
He is right.
This was really hard for her but she doesn't mind like he does.
It was nice feeling people near her.
Feeling him near her.

"I'm okay, "smiling as a tear fell on her cheek.

Josh quickly caught and wiped it away with his thumb giving her a soft smile.

" Why are you crying then?" Josh asked.
"I'm just happy. I've never actually had a family apart from Shawn. Being here it feels like a old family coming together. You are lucky to have a family like this," Maya said.

Josh gave her a soft kiss before pulling her closer into him.
Feeling him close is probably the best thing which ever happened to Maya and she isn't even a little sorry that she came.
Yes it had its challenges but she is so extremely happy where she is right now.

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