Chapter 11

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Josh and Maya were at Philadelphia and Josh was just talking to his brother over the phone while Maya was trying to calm Amy down.
She was releaved that her son was here and she was more grateful for the support he would get from Maya.
But she didn't actually know what is going on.

"It's terrible. He was just going to get bread and milk," Amy said with a tear running down her cheek.
"He'll be fine. One thing I've learned from the Matthews is the one is more stubborn than the other one. He'll make it," Maya said.
"Thank you Darling. I appreciate you being here. He needs some support," Amy said.
"I wasn't going to let him drive in this weather alone. It's dangerous," Maya said.

She looked over to Josh still talking to Cory and sigh.
She has no idea where she fits in with anything.
She has to try and figure out how to support the Matthews while she is trying to process her own mother's death.


It was later the day and Maya was sitting on the living room couch reading a book.
Amy and Josh were at the hospital seeing Alan but Maya didn't want to see people right now.
She hears the door opening and instantly sees Josh.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your mother?" Maya asked and Josh sat down next to her.
"You know you are amazing," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"No I'm not. I'm everything besides that. How is your father?" Maya asked.
"Forget about that for a second. How are you feeling?" Josh asked.
"I'm okay Josh. You don't have to be worried about me. It's not your job," Maya said.
"Maybe but I care about you. You don't have to be strong Maya. You can break down. You have every right to break down," Josh said.
"And who is going to pick me up then? You are occupied with your father and trying to help your mother. I'll be fine," Maya said.
"Are you sure?" Josh asked touching Maya's arm.
"Yeah," Maya said before Josh pulled her close to him.

A single tear escaped from Maya's eye and she quickly wiped it away before Josh notices anything.
She pulls away and takes a breathe.

"Thank you," Maya said.
"Not sure for what but okay," Josh said.
"For being here. For trying to help me," Maya said.
"I'll do that any day. Are you sure you're okay though?" Josh asked and Maya laughed.
"Yes Josh. I'm fine," Maya said.


It was later the night and Josh went to check on Maya.
She told everyone she was going to bed but he isn't sure if she was able to fall asleep.
He opens the door and finds the girl fast asleep in the bed.
He walks over to her and throws a blanket over her before putting the light off and heading out.

"Fast asleep. Shame she is struggling," Josh said.
"Of what? Your father is critical. Worry about him," Amy said.
"Shawn and Maya's mother died in a accident yesterday. She isn't over anything yet," Josh said and Amy gasped.
"Poor girl. And she was acting so supportive while you spoke to your brother."
"Yeah she doesn't want to break down cause then everything will fall apart. The two of us have enough to worry about with Dad," Josh said.
"You know it's kind of her to come with you. Looks like she is worried," Amy said.
"She's scared she is going to lose someone else. I don't think she can face that again. What are the changes of Dad making it?" Josh asked and Amy sigh.
"We don't know Joshua," Amy said.
"Okay I'm going to bed. Night Mom," Josh said.
"Night Josh."

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