Chapter 7

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It was later the morning and Josh went in a room.
Maya was still sound asleep from when she got back.
He sighs as he closes the door and goes in front.
Everything has been forgotten and everyone was now relaxed.
It wasn't just because Maya is back but because everybody knew what Josh did.
But Josh still wasn't sure how Maya was going to react to anything.
Wednesday, 9 November was possible the worst but best day of his life.
Worst because Maya ran off and he doesn't know how to act but best because she is safe.

"Still fast asleep. Think she's gonna need it. Shame poor girl," Josh said.
"Have you guys actually talked about everything or not yet?" Riley asked.
"No. She bursted into tears when she saw me," Josh said.
"I think that's normal. You're not going to put pressure on her, are you?" Riley asked.

Josh laughed and shook his head.
Of course his niece is still worried about the young girl.
But he wasn't planning to go against what he has decided.

"No Riles. I'm not. Actually I think I'm going to leave her until she is ready to talk to me. That's how it should be. I'm not going to put extra pressure on her," Josh said.
"Okay. Maybe we can figure out what to do then," Cory said.
"What I said I'm gonna do. Leave her until she is ready to talk to me. I'm not going to push her Cory. That's the last thing I want right now. Does Shawn know she's safe?"
"Yeah he does. But he has to convince his fiancé that it's safer to stay at home than come anywhere near here. Just keep everyone here. Shawn will be fine," Cory said.


It was a few hours later and Maya was on the phone.
The call she was getting was clearly upsetting.
She froze as the man spoke over the phone with her.
Riley comes into the room and sees Maya standing.
She puts the phone down and tries to hold back her tears.
Maya sits down on the bed and tears immediately start flowing out of her eyes.
Riley sits down next to her and throws her arms around the young girl.
What could have happened?
What had her so upset?
Nobody had any idea.

Lucas came in the room and Riley gave him a look which said only one thing.
Get Cory.
Nobody could know what that look meant besides Maya and Lucas.
He immediately rushes to the reception and finds everyone there.

"Mr Matthews. Maya and Riley need you in the room. The rest of you stay here," Lucas said and Josh looked at him.
"Josh keep everyone here and stay away," Cory said and went to the room.

As soon as he went inside he could see why Lucas gave him the instructions.
Maya's eyes were blood red and Riley was trying to calm her down.
As she was sitting next to her best friend she had no idea what to do.

Riley sees her father and looks him in the eye.
She pulls away from Riley and Maya tries to remain calm.
Tears are streaming like rivers down her face as she realizes Cory is standing in the room.

"What did Josh do?" Cory asked and Riley shook her head.
"Who was on the phone Maya?" Riley asked but Maya didn't answer.
"Maya," Cory said and Maya looked up at him.

She can't.
She can't do this.
She immediately ran into his arms and just started to cry.
It wasn't just crying though.
She was sobbing.
What was going on was all going through everyone's minds.
They couldn't get anything else out of her.
But what was going to happen?

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