Chapter 17

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Wednesday, 16 November 2016.
Most of the snow has stopped as well as the roads which has been closed.
Josh got news that his father was being discharged and his mother wanted him there.
Maya said she'll stay at home since she wanted to contact Riley and see if there is anything new she can tell her.

"Maya! Thank goodness. Where are you?" Riley asked.
"After your grandmother lost her temper Josh dragged me to one of his friend's places."
"Since when does my mother lose her temper?" Cory asked.
"It's frustrating. Your father can't walk on his own for awhile and with a girl who isn't family it's difficult. Anyway I just thought I would call to say the snow has cleared up. I'll try to get to New York as soon as possible. Josh also wants to get there quick, "Maya said.
"How are you guys? You haven't fought, have you?"

Maya thought a bit about Cory's question.
She was definitely not going to tell him about the kisses or anything else.
She was feeling a bit awkward discussing that with them.
But she wanted to tell them something about them that is true.

"We're okay. Haven't fought and we've grown very close during this last week. Be has actually been helping me a lot with some of the Math. Will you be okay with sending me my assignments for History Mr Matthews?" Maya asked.
"Yeah sure. How long are you staying?" Cory asked.
"Not sure. I have to go. I'll see you guys later," Maya said and shut her computer down before she received a call from Josh.

"Hey everything okay?" Maya asked.
"Yeah but I think you should come over. And no. Not to cope with my mother. But hou might know how to handle my father better than we," Josh said.
"Okay. I'll be there in ten minutes," Maya said and put the phone down.

She asked Andre to take her to the Matthews house and she couldn't believe that she was at the very same house again.
It definitely felt weirder to all of a sudden be there but she knew that it was for a good purpose.

"Hey. I don't know what to do," Josh said and Maya gave him a hug.
"It's okay. Where is your father?" Maya asked and Josh directed to where his father was sitting.
"Here it goes."

"Hi Mr Matthews," Maya said and Alan's face lightened up.
"Maya! Didn't know my son dragged you along," Alan said and Maya gave him a hug.
"He didn't. I told him I wanted to come with. How are you feeling?" Maya asked.
"How do you think?" Amy snapped.
"Mom," Josh said trying to keep his mother calm.

Amy stood up and went to the kitchen with her son following her.
Maya sigh as she sat on the couch next to Alan.
She didn't know what to say to the elder man but she wanted to try to help.

"I'm glad you're here as well. Dangerous to drive alone. Where are you guys staying?"
"At Andre's. We're okay. We thought of giving Mrs Matthews some space since she isn't come okay with me being here. Anyway this is not about me. How are you feeling tk be out of the hospital?" Maya asked.
"Grateful to be able to breathe. And to be home. Hospital food or the service is not great," Alan said and Maya let out a laugh.


Josh was trying to talk some sense into his mother's head when he heard laughing.
He walked towards the door to where he could see where Maya was sitting seeing both she and his father is laughing.
A smile forms on Amy's face as it is the first time in awhile her husband had laughed.

"Since you left this has been the first time he is laughing. How does she do it?" Amy asked.
"She is a miracle worker. She can put a smile on anyone's face," Josh said.

Looking at Maya sitting and talking with Alan, Josh realized it doesn't matter who she is but who she chooses to be.
She can finally laugh and go on.
She was sad for quite awhile and just the other day he felt like she was still a bit off but now that is all forgotten.
She is laughing.
That is actually all he can ask for.

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