Chapter 14

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It was early the next morning and Maya woke up.
She rolled over facing Josh.
She still can't believe anything that happened the previous night.
She smile as she sits up.
She then goes in front where she finds Amy.

Maya's sleepwear

"Morning Mrs Matthews," Maya said

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"Morning Mrs Matthews," Maya said.
"You are becoming to welcome in this house. Josh can't just bring any of his niece's friends thinking it's okay," Amy said and Maya sat down on a chair.
"I'm not just one of your granddaughter's friends. I really care for Josh and you. I wanted to be here and I didn't want him to get in an accident. Mrs Matthews I learned the hard way when to hold on to people. I care about your son very much and I know this was unexpected. But I'm glad I came. If he did get in a accident I would be able to help," Maya said.
"I still don't like it that you just come and go," Amy said.

"I thought we had this settled last night," Josh said and Maya got a fright.
"No Joshua. We didn't. I don't want..."
"Yeah that's fine. I talked to one of my school buddies. We are going to stay at his cottage tonight. It's safer there," Josh said.
"Congratulations. You drove my own son away from me," Amy said and Maya went to her room.

"No Mom. You did that all on your own very well," Josh said.
"Why are you allowing this girl to do this? You are forgetting what is important," Amy said.
"What is important is for me to know where I stand with the people I love. Maya is going through hell yet she is here supporting us. Supporting me. Where do I stand with you?"
"Where you always do. Josh you can't go on with this. Sometime you'll have to decide if you're on our side or her side. It's just a girl," Amy said making Josh look at her.
"Just a girl? Just the other day you treated her like your granddaughter and know she's just a girl? Nice Mom. So every girl is going to be like that? What do you have against her?"
"We are going through a difficult time Josh. We don't need distractions like Maya. Yet you..."
"Yet I support her. She is going through a tough time Mom. Dad is alive. Her mother is gone. She is all alone and the only people she has is me and Cory. I want to help where I can and if that means I have to make sacrifices here and there so be it. I know I'm doing what I can. And maybe it is better if we go stay somewhere else before it starts snowing really badly. At least I'll know there is someone to help her," Josh said and went to his room.

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