Chapter 20

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It was a few days later and Maya was back in New York.
She was just in her old apartment from her mom trying to gather all her stuff.
Josh was helping her but he could see being there was enough to make her emotional.

"It's a lot worse than I would ever think," Maya said.
"It's okay Sweetheart. You are just adjusting," Josh said making Maya look at him.
"Sweetheart? I'll have to get used to that," Maya said laughing.

They haven't actually told anyone about them because of all the drama going on with the funeral and Josh's father.
Maya has acted pretty much the same, just more happy, and Josh has been acting differently.
Maya couldn't actually tell but Cory did see he wasn't the same guy before he went to Philadelphia.

"You'll be fine. Everything just needs to sink in," Josh said pulling Maya close to him.
"Since we got back three days ago I've been telling myself that. What if it doesn't get..."
"Deep breathe. Next week when everything is finilized it will be better," Josh said.
"What would I do without you? Really. I feel like all I've been doing is breaking down and you're just there. You have no idea how much that means to me," Maya said.
"I'll always be here for you. I never want you to doubt that," Josh said causing Maya to smile.
"I'm not. I'm just so grateful," Maya said giving Josh a hug.

"We need to tell your brother about us before someone finds out another way," Maya said.
"I know. I just don't entirely know how to tell them. You're his History student and his daughter, my niece's, best friend. They saw you grow up. It's going to be very difficult getting the news at them without a very odd reaction," Josh said.
"Josh you're right. He saw me grow up. I'm like his daughter and even if I don't want to admit it they're all family I have. I want them to know what is going on," Maya said.
"Okay then we'll do it tonight. The sooner, the better hey?" Josh said making Maya nod.
"Let's get out of this place before I break down," Maya said and they were gone.

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