Chapter 27

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It was about two and a half weeks later.
Just about three weeks actually.
Maya was sitting at Topanga's trying to figure out her Math homework while she doesn't actually have a clue.
Since Riley's birthday was about a week ago all that everyone is planning right now is Christmas and the entire Matthew apartment is full. Of Christmas decorations.
Something Maya is clearly not used to.
Maya sighs as she realizes she has probably done enough for one day and she can call it a day.
She starts gathering her stuff when her boyfriend enters the room.

"Hey," Josh said giving Maya a kiss.
"Hey. What are you doing here? Thought you had a test that you have to study for tomorrow?" Maya asked.
"Done studying. What are you studying for?" Josh asked.
"Math. I actually just finished. I actually just don't want to be at your brother's right now. They are being very Christmas and I can't do that right now," Maya said.
"Because of your parents?" Josh asked and Maya sighed.

They haven't talked much about her parents since it was a sensitive subject but every now and then Josh would ask her if she is okay not actually knowing how she will react.

"Actually no. I don't know how I'm going to do this thing. Me and my mom never did Christmas. We rarely did something like that and that was just who we are. Now to think I have to do the entire with your family, it's weird," Maya said.
"You'll be okay. We are not so different from any other family. We have our ups and downs as well. I just got a call from my mother. Seems like my father is doing really good and we can expect them over this Christmas," Josh said.
"That's great. I have to get going," Maya said.
"I'll walk you home."

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