Chapter 16

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It was the next morning and Maya woke up in Josh's arms.
She couldn't think of any better way to wake up.
She smiled as she looked outside to see the snow was already falling and falling pretty bad.
She let out a sigh as she stood up.
It was of course freezing in Philadelphia reaching just below 30°.
Maya didn't actually notice it really until she woke up.

She went to the kitchen and put the kettle on causing Josh to wake up.
He stood up and looked at Maya as she wasn't wearing anything besides her nightwear and had no make-up on.
He hadn't actually seen a girl without make-up in a long time.
Riley has been wearing it ever since she turned thirteen last year and Maya was just the exact opposite of his niece.
She would almost never wear make-up or something fancy.

"You're beautiful," Josh said causing Maya to look at him and smiles.
"Think your delusional," Maya said as she handed him a cup of coffee before climbing back into bed.
"You are beautiful. Have you heard from my niece?" Josh asked.
"Joshua," Maya said pointing to the window which was covered in snow.
"Do you really think anyone will be able to contact either of us? We're stranded here for the day," Maya said.
"Cause so. What do you want to do then? We can't lay in bed the whole day probably," Josh said.
"Yeah I agree. I think we need to discuss your father. If he is going to need help you'll have to jump in," Maya said.
"I don't want to think about that. What are you doing to do about your mother's funeral?"
"I don't want to think about that," Maya said taking a sip of her coffee.
"Touché. Okay what else is there than? The television will probably not work so that is a no. We are stranded here so we can't go visit people. Phone signal is down the drain probably. What is left?" Josh asked.
"How are things at NYU?" Maya asked.

Josh looked at her knowing that it is probably the one thing they will be able to talk about.
Adapting in a new environment.
He talked to her about how he was struggling to entirely adjust, not just academically but also social and how he had thought of just quitting college at all.
Maya did her best assuring him to stay in and then they got ready for the day.

After about a few hours of schoolwork and college stuff the two decided to call it a day.
It was then quite past one the afternoon and even Josh was getting tired of just projects.

"What about a break?" Josh asked.
"Yeah I think I've done enough schoolwork for the day," Maya said.
"Listen I am pretty sure Andre left us a few DVD's to keep us busy," Josh said going through the cupboard.
"Want some coffee?" Maya asked.
"Yeah that will be nice. Here it is. What do you want to watch?" Josh asked.
"Depending what there is," Maya said.
"This is a show one of my friend's little sister used to watch all the freaking time. Heartland. Know it?" Josh asked.
"Not at all. What is it about?" Maya asked preparing the coffee.
"Horses and so on. I'll put it on. He has from Season 1 - 9. Doubt we'll even finish the first season," Josh said and Maya handed him a cup.
"It's a time passing. Let's do it," Maya said.

They sat down together on the couch before putting the show on.
Of course half way through the third episode Mya fell asleep and Josh let her sleep.
He threw a blanket over her before actually just going on with some college stuff.

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