Chapter 29

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It was Christmas morning and Maya woke up.
She was kinda glad she is able to be around people on this day.
Will make her think about her father a lot less.
Which she has been doing since yesterday.
Thinking what he is doing, how is he, if he has children, if he got married again after he got divorced from her mother.
Maya sighs as she quickly gets dressed before going in front.

Of course everyone was already up and busy with their own things.
Maya smiled as she sees Riley doing last minute wrapping and hearing as someone came up behind her.
She looks around seeing Auggie and gives him a hug.

"Hey Buddy," Maya said.
"Merry Christmas Aunt Maya," Auggie said and Maya smiled.
"To you too Bud. Okay let's see what is to do. Where can I help Mrs Matthews?" Maya asked.
"Keep Auggie busy and open the door when people come. Why is your sister dragging Darren and the baby along?" Topanga asked.
"Is Morgan coming?" Maya asked.
"With her six month baby girl. This is a nightmare. How are we gonna cope with them? Not just the baby but also the toddler. DJ is also coming. AKA Darren Junior," Cory said.
"Okay Auggie. Why don't you go get your toys then we can play? I'm gonna get Ava while you guys set up," Maya said.


It was later the afternoon with a few people there.
Not much has arrived besides Josh and Ava so it was still quite manageable.
Suddenly Josh hears the bell and goes to open.

"Morgan. Come in. Where is Darren?" Josh asked as he took the baby girl which was handed to him.
"Getting DJ out of the car. He is being so on purpose today. Throwing everything on the floor. The drive was a nightmare," Morgan said.
"Hi Sis. Are the kids being difficult?" Cory said.
"Yeah they are. Extremely actually. Hey guys," Morgan said quikclu greeting everyone.

"And who is this?" Morgan asked when she stood next to Maya.
"My girlfriend, Maya," Josh said.
"Ah welcome to the family and congrats on keeping up with my brother," Morgan said.
"Hey!" Josh said and Maya laughed.

A boy of just two years old comes running through the apartment with his father following.
Clearly he was furious at the boy and Maya saw it.
Quickly she decided to distract the little boy.

"And who is this? Hey Buddy," Maya said and the boy looked at Maya.
"Say hello DJ," Morgan said and the boy stood in front of Maya.

He took a second to get a good look at her before he put his arms out to tell her to pick him up.
Maya immediately picked him up and it's father looked at her.

"You must be Darren. Maya Hart pleased to meet you," Maya said.
"I am. Where does she..."
"Josh's girlfriend," Morgan said.
"And crazy about kids so you won't even realize you have children tonight," Josh said.
"Where is your brother? Isn't Eric coming?" Maya asked.

"Of course I am," Eric said as he came through.
"My brotha!" Cory said.
"My brotha!" Eric said greeting his brother.
"Hey Maya. Congrats on the relationship. I hope you are taking care of her," Eric said.
"Of course I am," Josh said.

"Someone missed us?" Amy asked as she helped Alan through the door.
"Ah here you two are. How are you Dad?" Cory asked.
"I'm okay. Hi Maya," Alan said.
"Hello Mr Matthews. I'm glad to see you're doing good," Maya said.
"Glad to see my son is taking care of you," Alan said and Maya smiled.

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