Chapter 9

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It's been about two hours since Josh went to see what he can find out about Maya.
He hasn't talked to his family neither has he left Maya's side.
For her it was a sign of trust.
He didn't want to leave her side until he was sure she is okay.
Maya has calmed down and she was now starting to get the courage to talk.
She hasn't said anything yet.
Maya and Josh were laying on her bed with her on his chest while he stroke her hair.
Riley popped in vaguely to get her phone and then she went out.
She hasn't come back and neither has anyone else.

Maya sigh lightly as she realizes she isn't going to keep quiet.
She can't actually.
Here with Josh she actually found some peace.
Her tears were dried up and she was finally getting to a point where she wanted to talk.
She just couldn't yet.

"What am I going to do?" Maya breathes out as Josh watches her.

Her eyes were starting to softening and almost all of the redness was gone.
You could still see she has been crying for awhile but not much.
He started to see another side of the fifteen year old.
But wasn't sure if he liked it.

"We'll figure that out as we go on. You don't have to take this on by yourself Maya. We're all here to help you. Me included," Josh said before giving her a kiss on her head.

Maya got lost for a second before she eventually fell asleep.
Here in his arms she felt safe.
Something she hasn't felt in awhile.
But why?
Why did she feel so safe with a guy who didn't think much of her?


Everyone was still waiting to hear from Josh where he was with Maya.
Riley told them that when she went in Maya was still crying but did seem calmer.
Nobody knew what that meant but was burning to find out.

"What's taking him so long?" Cory asked as he paced up and down the reception area just in time to see his brother.

"Finally. What took you so long?" Riley asked.
"Calm down. I had to calm her down first to begin with and then I had to figure out what's going on. She fell asleep," Josh said.
"So what is the matter?" Topanga asked.
"Shawn and Katy died in an accident," Josh said and everybody's eyes widened.
"I think Shawn tried to get here but it wasn't a success. Eventually I was able to calm her down. I don't think this is going to blow over anytime soon," Josh said.
"Is she calm now?" Riley asked.
"She's asleep. But yes. She is calm. Hopefully we'll be able to find a way to help her. She doesn't know what to do and she needs every bit of support that she can get so let's just be there for her instead of just asking about her parents the entire time. After the funeral she isn't going to had the energy to do much and needs friends."
"Okay. We can try but I don't know how," Riley said.
"I'll be coming to New York more often to help out as well. She is going to need a lot of us to help and support her. Maybe we should just... I don't know. We can't send her back to the apartment on her own and I don't know if her family is going to be..."
"She's staying with us. In Katy's will it states if anything happens to Maya she comes to me," Cory said.
"That's good then. One less thing to worry about."

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