Chapter 8

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Josh's pov

It's been about an hour if not more.
Cory was still talking to Maya with Riley and Topanga had also gone to find out what is going on.
None of them has come back to tell us what is going on.
I really hope she isn't still upset about what I said.
How on earth am I going to live with myself?

"Okay your turn," Josh hears a voice and turns around finding all three out.
"What do you guys mean?" Josh asked.
"She is just crying. She doesn't say a word. Your turn to try," Cory said.
"Cornelius how on earth do you think am I going to help her if you guys can't do it yourselves? No. I'm not going to..."
"Joshua I suggest you go. Maybe you can help. We definitely can't," Topanga said and Josh looked at his sister-in-law.

Joshua was rarely used and he knew when it was used he's in trouble or the person talking to him is serious.
He rolls his eyes before leaving.
Whatever is going on must be bad if he is called in for help.

Josh walks into Maya's room and immediately faced the girl.
Her eyes changed from blue to a red.
Whatever was going on was really bad.
She was sitting on her bed looking at some photos.
Josh sat down next to her and looked at the photos in her hands.
It was of her mother and Shawn.
Something happened to them, he thought.
Suddenly Maya struggles to breathe and Josh had to jump in.

"Deeo breathes. Just take a deep breathe," Josh said and Maya stood up from where she was sitting with Josh following her.
"Maya what is wrong?" Josh asked and Maya burst into tears.

She couldn't stop and Josh saw that this was just the beginning of many drama.
He rushes to her as he pulls her close to him.
In his chest she finally breaks down for good.
Nothing else mattered.
She had to get it out.
She was suffocating and she couldn't do it anymore.
She couldn't be okay.

"They're gone. They..."
"It's okay," Josh said knowing what she meant.

Shawn and Katy must have gotten in an accident on the way to the lodge.
But with their luck the crash was way more serious.
Josh sigh as he holds Maya tight against him.
Of course it wasn't something he couldn't handle.
It upset him to see her like that but he kept strong while she was breaking down.
The tighter he held her, the louder she cried and the more Josh just wanted to take her pain away.

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