Prologue: I-The night we met

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"You're here again..."

"Ah... Sorry, I'll go--"


I still don't know why I stopped you, but... I'm glad I did... Even today I'm thankful for my 15 years old self's naivety... I didn't know who you were, but I noticed you a long time ago... From time to time, you were standing in front of my house, like you were waiting for someone...

"Are you lost?"

"Something like that..."

And then, you brought your knees closer to your chest as your dark brown locks covered your eyes...

I opened the gate, making your brown orbs to look up at me... such eyes that seemed so innocent, but in reality, they were hiding so many secrets... and your dark past...

"Do you need help?"

"...No. You live here, right? Why don't you go inside? Don't waste your time with someone like me"

"Don't say that, drama queen"

"Didn't your parents tell you to not talk to strangers?"

"You seem like a nice stranger"

"Nice, huh..."

"You should go home, your family must be worried"

"I don't have one"

You were lonely from the beginning...

Me too...

You looked like you needed someone to talk to... and my body started to move on its own, sitting next to you on the ground as the dark night engulfed the whole Yokohama, a cold breeze making me shiver...

"You'll catch a cold like that"

"Doesn't matter, anyway"

We were two complete strangers... two opposites in every way, but still... you didn't hesitate to show me your kindness... Even though you were the one that seemed to need help...

Something heavy wrapped around my shoulders, making me flinch a little...

"If you want to stay here, at least take my coat. I don't want you to catch a cold because of me"

Your coat... your coat that was the exact same color as the midnight sky... a strong scent of alcohol and cologne still clinging on to it... gave me a strange, but still nice feeling inside my chest...

"You... who are you?"

Little did I know that the night we met...

"[L/N] [F/N]. But you? Who are you?"

Was the night of our death...

Only some time later, I realised that the old "us" died that night... and became a new "us"... We finally got to be ourselves in front of each other... We were reborn that night...

I was just a 15 years old little girl that just wanted someone to talk to...

And you were an 18 years old adult that had no start, no destination, no reason to exist... only the constant thoughts of death that wrapped your head...

I guess...

You could say that we committed that double suicide you always wanted, right...?

"Dazai... Dazai Osamu..."

The Night Of Our Death//Bungou Stray Dogs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now