XXIV-Three sided war part 2

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Time skip
With you
Yokohama commercial port
Author POV

You ran in the dark alleyway, trying to get as fast as you could where the sound of some huge explosion came from. Even if it wasn't a part of the plan, you had to see what the hell was that and maybe get some useful information.

You noticed the emergency stairs of some building and immediately climbed on them, getting on top of the building where you could see the docks.

You stopped running to catch your breath as the warm breeze brushed over your figure. You allowed yourself to take a moment to enjoy this peaceful moment, closing your eyes. Up there, you felt calm... Safe... You felt like you could spend the rest of the day there.

But you were fighting in a three sided war and this kind of moments were prohibited... For now...

The moment of serenity you had was shattered to pieces when the sound of stabbed flash reached your ear, opening your eyes.

You looked down at the docks and saw it...

Or him...

There was Akutagawa, in flesh and blood, using his Rashōmon to take down two members of the Guild.

"What's the situation there?"

A too familiar voice resonated from your earpiece. You pressed the finger against it as another warm breeze was blowing through your [H/C] hair while you took a deep breath before talking.

"El Diablo made the first move" you replied, looking down at how Akutagawa's Rashōmon pierced through a poor woman's body, raising her up in mid air. A strong moment of déjà-vu made you shiver a little

"El Diablo?" The voice chuckled at your choice of words


"Oh! But still, why El Diablo?"

"Dunno, heard it in a Spanish soap opera and felt like using it" you shrugged it off

"Your Spanish sounds sexy"

"Way to go, Osamu" you rolled your eyes as the mentioned man just chuckled

"So he's trying to score the first hit, eh?" You thought. "This bunch of dogs are gonna eat themselves and throw their heads, first thing. It would've been nice to have a nice chit-chat with the Port Mafia and the Guild. But no, orders are orders. I'm not going to let my emotions to get the best of me, especially when it comes to the Port Mafia..."

"Tch. Vete a la mierda..." You cursed under your breath when you heard Dazai whisper through his earpiece in a seductive way

"Ay mami. Don't get me so turned on, we're still in the middle of war"

"Oh hush! You don't know how much I've been waiting to use cuss words in Spanish that I heard in soap operas!" You argued, looking at what was happening on the docks

The white haired guy from the Guild had survived Akutagawa's Rashōmon and what surprised you even more was how similar his ability was to the Mafioso's.

"Well, that's nice" you muttered

The Guild member's ability used his blood that turned into a passage that seemed to come out straight from the Bible, was swirling around Akutagawa, tying him up.

You furrowed a brow, not expecting this to happen as the other member of the Guild, a young woman, was crawling to Akutagawa, using her ability to maybe dezintegrate things in her way.

"Someone with an ability similar to Akutagawa's Rashōmon, using his own blood to activate it" you said after you pressed your finger on your earpiece. "And a young woman with a weathering ability"

But Akutagawa being Akutagawa used his Rashōmon to pierce through the woman's whole body while he started to cough blood, making you frown.

"He came to fight when he's injured? What the hell?" You thought

You heard yells, but couldn't make out what they were saying, not until you saw Rashōmon going crazy and slicing the Guild member's neck. For a second, you thought that Akutagawa killed him, but he showed him otherwise, using his ability.

"The Scarlet Letter?" You muttered after you could make out what the white haired man said. "Nice ability, I must say"

"You think so?" Dazai's voice resonated again in your earpiece

"Yeah. This man sees his injuries as an opportunity to fight against the enemy" you explained, earning a hum of acknowledgement from Dazai. "Wait, hold on!" You yelled, looking down at the battle

You saw how Akutagawa went to unknown extremes by many and his Rashōmon took a form that could kill in just a blink of an eye. What you saw next left you completely flabbergasted. The woman who you presumed to be dead by now used her whole body as a human shield to protect her colleague.

"Holy shit" you muttered, eyes widened in shock

"What happened? Are you alright?"

"... Akutagawa won..."


"I'm going back fast to the base to let the President know about what I have witnessed today. Don't worry, I'll be back fast"

That's the last thing Dazai have heard from you before you went down in the old railway from the underground in order to not be noticed by anyone, especially the enemy.

But it looked like they were one step ahead of you...

Your earpiece was literally ripped out of your ear and smashed in the next second as you turned around frantically to find the culprit.

"Nuh-uh, we wouldn't want anyone else to hear our little conversation, now, do we?" A masculine voice said

You looked up at the ceiling from where the voice came from and saw the one and only Mafia executive, Nakahara Chuuya.

"Chuuya" you muttered, frowning at him as he came down on the ground, standing in front of you. "Fancy seeing you here"

"Pleasure's all mine, mon cher" he said as he bowed a little in front of you and took your hand in his, giving it a feather like kiss before you yanked your hand out of his grip and gave him a little disgusted look

"Chill your hormones, dude" you said sarcastically as he just chuckled. "You really have some balls, don't you think? What did you do to our people?"

"Me? Nothing, I swear" he said with a mischievous grin on his face

"As if I'd believe you" you scoffed. "And you still have the audacity to act like this? In front of me? Who do you think I am?"

"My lady, you are far greater than you think" he said as you cocked a brow at him


"I'm treating a fine lady with the respect she deserves" he said with a wink

"Yeah, sure" you rolled your eyes

"And not only a fine lady..." He continued as from his coat, he took out a well kept rose and gave it to you. "But my boss as well"

"Wait, what?!"

"I came here as a messenger, to let the stupid detectives know that your two precious co-workers were used as bait to catch another two stupid members from the Guild" Chuuya started to explain

"Don't tell me..." You thought as you started to feel more anxious. "Naomi... Haruno-san... They were going to hide in that house in the hills... So no one could do anything to them... Did we... Miscalculate something...?"

"And I'm here with a message for you" he continued. "That's if I came across you, but lucky me, I did. The message is as follows..."


"[Y/N]-chan, are you interested in joining the Mafia as an executive member and be my right hand?"


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