XXIII-Three sided war part 1

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"I haven't seen any good in myself my whole life. And I still don't. But at least I don't lie about being a good person, unlike some of you..."

Author POV

"Our lives were pretty good for some time... But these months showed me otherwise" you groaned frustrated in Dazai's embrace as he chuckled softly

"What happened to [Y/N]-chan, the warrior, hm?" Dazai asked jokingly. "The one who treated Fitzgerald like he deserved. The one who would literally beat her father's ass"

You both started laughing at his statement. Did he really think of you as a person who would beat up anyone who gets on your nerves? Well yes, but actually no. That's Dazai for you, the man sees you as the woman who would make anyone quiver in fear if they don't know how to treat you, taking as example the times when the Port Mafia decided to mess with you and the Agency. And he liked that. A lot.

"When everything ends, let's all go in a nice vacation" you proposed as Dazai let out a thoughtful hum

"What about we go alone? Just the two of us. Somewhere far away from here" he said, until he started to dramatize the thing. "Wouldn't it be romantic, [Y/N]-chan? Maybe we could go to China!"

"China?" You asked as you furrowed your brows

"Yes! China! So we can visit the Great Chinese Wall and throw ourselves from there, commiting a beautiful lovers' suici--"

You rolled your eyes and smacked him before he could finish his idea. Despite of the promises you made that night, he still has those thoughts about his "beautiful lovers' suicide". But you knew he couldn't bring himself to do it, not after he finally made you his and promised to protect you at all costs.

"Ah, you're hurting my feelings, [Y/N]-chan" he said in a kind of whiny voice as he held his head with his hands. "Lovers' suicide. Ah, what a beautiful ring it has" he continued before looking at you with narrowed eyes. "But you had to destroy that thought"

You looked at him with narrowed eyes as well before an evil thought crossed your mind. You changed the frown into a shy look and averted your eyes, refusing to look at him as your face was a bright shade of pink.

Kinda lime, read at your own risk

"Of course I'm doing this" you said, hiding your mouth with your hand to not start laughing or let him see you smiling. "I-if we commit suicide, how are we going to do it?"

"Eh?" He asked dumbfounded

"And when I come to think, I didn't even have my first time... I hoped to be you, but... I guess it's going to be someone else, in another life, since you're so desperate of wanting to kill ourselves"

And then, the lightbulb in his head was turned on.

You wanted to walk away and leave him in his dumbfounded state when you felt his hand grabbing you by the wrist and pushed you to the wall.

"W-wait! Osamu, I was just ki--"

One hand was holding both your hands up above your head and the other was holding you by the waist while warm lips were hungrily kissing yours, wanting more already. You tried to move your hands, but his hold was too strong for you, making you let out a unsatisfied whimper which made him flinch.

He left your lips alone just to pepper your jawline with kisses while he set your hands free. You couldn't resist the temptation and your hands found their way in his wavy brown hair, softly tugging at it as he attacked your lips again.

He softly tugged at your bottom lip, asking for entrance, but you being you, decided to not let him have it so easily. Instead, you pulled his hair a little bit harder, making him hiss in pain, letting go of your lips.

The Night Of Our Death//Bungou Stray Dogs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now