XX-Throw down the gauntlet

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A/N: For a better reading experience, play the song at media

Author POV

"I am so very, very pleased to meet you, President Fukuna... Fukuda..." said the blonde male as he sat down on the armchair in front of Fukuzawa

"Fukuzawa" the President corrected the extravagant male

That was what you saw before the door of the President's office was closed by Naomi before she told you to go back to your work.

"President's orders" she said as she closed the door

"Damn it, I wanted to hear, too" you thought, letting a sigh to part your lips as you took your leave

You walked back to your office, wandering about what the President was talking with the Fancy guy. Though, needless to say, he somewhat gave you an odd feeling that made you feel like keeping your guard up 24/7. Not that you don't do it already, especially after everything that happened.

You sat down at your desk, resting your head in your palm and unconsciously pouted, looking away, thinking about whatever reason the Fancy guy had to come at the Agency.

Until your thoughts got cut off when you felt someone pinching your cheek, making you snap out of the little trance you were in. You looked at the owner of the hand, only to be met by candy wrappers.

"R-Ranpo-san?" You muttered as he pinched you harder, leaving a red mark on your face when he let go of it. "What the hell was that for?!" You shouted at him, holding the hurting spot with your hand

"Stop pouting" he said, making you look a little curious at him

"Is he... trying to make me feel better?" You thought, rubbing the spot

"It's distracting me" he simply said, walking away with his office chair

"You little--" you thought as an irk mark popped on your forehead

"This way, please" you all heard Kenji say as he was heading with the unexpected guests to the elevator, making you stand up and walk where they all were

"I'll leave you a small message in tomorrow's morning papers" said the Fancy guy as he looked at Fukuzawa who was waiting for him to leave. "You'd better read it carefully, old sport. If it's what I want, it's what I get"

The white haired, tall man and the red haired girl that were with him looked at you who stood by Naomi's and the President's side with an innocent smile on your face.

"Oh? Who do we have here?" The Fancy guy asked, turning to look at you when an irk mark appeared on your forehead and showed him your middle finger

"If that's what you want, it's what you get, huh?" You quoted the guy as the red haired girl froze in place. "If you want my middle finger, you'll come get it and suck it?"

"[Y/N]-chan!" Naomi exclaimed

"A feisty one, aren't you?" The man chuckled lowly as you shrugged

A deep silence fell in the room as Kenji went in the elevator with the guests while Naomi and the President looked at you like you just landed there.

"What?" You simply asked. "He was asking for it and I couldn't help myself, you know?"

Fukuzawa just sighed, not wanting to deal with anything anymore for today, but he couldn't even take a step when you caught his attention again.

"President... Who is that guy?" You asked as Fukuzawa looked at your from over his shoulder

"A no one" he said, walking away

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