XI-The calm before the storm

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A/N: the time of some events is going to be changed
And the reader is going to start having some panic attacks

Author POV

A part of you felt better than before, a part did not. To see that idiot friend of yours openly flirt with you, act like a loving boyfriend towards you and him not realising it, acting like it's something normal for friends to do, gave you a strong headache.

"Sometimes, I wonder how did you manage to be one of the most feared dudes in the Mafia and even survive when you want to die so badly... God, the irony..."

You just sighed for the umpth time today as Dazai, again, opened the door for you. You just stepped inside, not even looking at him as he just stared like an idiot, not expecting that reaction from you.

"Morning" you greeted when you entered the office and all eyes were on you

The others wanted to greet you back at the same time and you even saw Naomi who started running towards you to hug you, when you felt something sharp like a blade to your neck and everyone froze in place. You didn't even twitch. Instead, you elbowed the arm of the owner that was holding the knife as you grabbed them by the hand and pushed them to the floor. And boom, the stares were now again on you.

"Kyouka-chan!" You heard Atsushi scream the girl's name that jumped a few steps behind while you just glared at her. "What have I told you about that knife?! [L/N]-san is not an enemy!"

"Okay, so no one is going to ask [Y/N]-chan when she learned to do that?!" Exclaimed Naomi as she hugged you tightly

"The President took some of his time to teach me some stuff" you simply said as the girl named Kyouka glared back at you. "Just like some of you here"

"[L/N]-san is right" said Kunikida as he pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I'm glad to see that you put in practice the self defense you've been taught by the President, [L/N]-san"

"Why, thank you" you said in a monotone voice as you just patted Naomi on her back

"Since no one here is going to tell you" Yosano chimed in as she grabbed you by the hand and dragged you to her office. "I'll be the one explaining what's going on in here"

"What is that girl from the Port Mafia doing here?" You asked as Yosano opened the door

"So you already know"

"She is the one that kidnapped me"

"We know, [Y/N]-chan..." Yosano sighed as she took a seat on a chair. "But she left the Mafia..."

"How come?" You asked as you crossed your arms to your chest

"Everyone on the black market is obsessed with the price the white tiger has" Yosano started to explain as you sat on a chair next to her. "Her name is Izumi Kyouka, an orphan and a murderer from the Port Mafia. She has killed about 35 people, using her ability called Demon Snow. Her ability is controled over the phone that's always hanging around her neck and like the name says..."

"Her ability is a demon that kills only when its told to do so"


"And what happened? Why is she here? Is she a prisoner?"

"Prisoner wouldn't be the right word to use" Yosano said, pressing her lips with her index finger. "She's going to be a member of the agency"



"Oh wow, I skip work for almost 5 days and that's what I'm coming back to" you sighed frustrated before Yosano continued her story

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