VII-To kill and then to die part 2

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The next thing you saw was a blinding, white light... and you disappeared at the speed of light...

Your phone fell from your hand, hitting the ground, a few inches away from the victim as a voice called for you countless times.

"Hello? [L/N]-san? Did something happen? [L/N]-san? Hey, [L/N]-san!"


Author POV

"[L/N]-san! Say something!"

"Do you ever shut the hell up?" Replied a male's voice and in the next second, your phone got smashed under the owner of the voice's foot

The same man got out his phone, calling someone as he started to walk away from the crime scene.

"So?" Asked the man as he continued to walk. "Is she already there?"

"Just wait a little" the voice from the other line said. "She'll be here any second by now. Thank you for your hard work, Chuuya-kun"

Nakahara Chuuya
Ability name: For The Tainted Sorrow

"Don't worry, boss" said the red haired man as he fixed the fedora hat on his head. "This is just my job"


Time skip
At the A.D.A.

"S-say... what...?"

"I said that [L/N]-san disappeared" said Kunikida as Dazai looked at him with a shocked expression on his face. "Before I could even get a word from her, I heard a voice and then the call ended"

"Did you track her down?!" Dazai raised his voice as Atsushi was freaking out

"We tried, but... No result" replied Kunikida with a sigh

"Oh my god, this is bad, this is so bad" Atsushi silently freaked out

"Ranpo-san!" The brown haired male called when the door opened. "[Y/N]-chan is nowhere to be found! Could you use your Ultra Deduction to find her?!"

"Already on it" Ranpo said. "But..."


"It's somewhere too far away from here" he muttered as Dazai's colors faded in an instant

"How can Ranpo-san be so sure when he doesn't has such an ability as Ultra Deduction...?" Thought Atsushi before he let a sigh part his lips

Almost two hours ago

"Say what?!" Atsushi whisper-yelled before Dazai shushed him

"That's right. Ranpo-san doesn't have an ability. He's just... incredibly smart"

End of flashback

"Damn..." muttered the chocolate haired man before he raised his voice again. "Why did no one go with her?!"

"Everyone had work to do!" Kunikida raised his voice as well. "When everyone was working hard to clean this place after it was attacked by the Port Mafia, you were wondering around, trying to drown yourself again! And at a crime scene! If only you were here and went with [L/N]-san, maybe this wouldn't have happened!"

"I thought that we were a trio..." Dazai muttered, but loud enough for Kunikida to hear him as a serious look made its way on his face. "Even if one of us isn't around, the other two would go together, no matter what. Why didn't you go with her, Kunikida-kun? That wasn't written in your Ideals?"

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