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A/n: This chapter is based on some comics I saw. I apologize for the cringe, but I wanted to make it cute. Guess I managed to only make it cringe as fuck

Time skip
Night time
Author POV

"Oh! Alright, my child. Take care of you"

You decided to call your grandma when you and Dazai finally arrived at his apartment.

"I will, but please, take care of you as well, grandma. Call me if something happens, alright?"

"Hey, hey, [Y/N]-chan" Dazai whispered as he got close to the phone. "Tell her I said hi"

"Pfff, Dazai said hi, by the way" you said as you tried not to giggle at his cuteness. "Alright, bye grandma, love you"

"Well" started Dazai after you finished your call. "I really do hope that Atsushi-kun and Kyouka-chan are going to get along well. You know, they have to share an apartment"

"They'll be fine" you said as you waved your hand in a bored manner. "They get along pretty well, so it won't be a problem"

"Do you think..." muttered Dazai as he looked at you with a kind of scared look on his face. "Is it too late to give them the talk?"

"Oh my god, Dazai!" You yelled at him as your face flushed red. "Kyouka is only 14, you fucking idiot!"

"Oh... I forgot" he said as he smiled innocently before you smacked his head

"How the fuck could you forget?!" You said as you smacked him again. "She's. Only. 14! And Atsushi is too innocent to even look at a girl's chest or anything! He wouldn't dare!"

"Okay, I got it, I got it!" Dazai exclaimed as he rubbed the place. "Stop hitting, it hurts"

"You're such an idiot sometimes, Dazai" you sighed frustrated as you massaged your temples in frustration

"We should go to sleep" said Dazai before he yawned. "Today's been exhausting"

"I agree" you said as you yawned as well, until realisation hit you in the face like a rock. You had no spare clothes. "Shit"

"Welp, I'll sleep in the empty space from the wardrobe" he said as he streched a little

"Are you sure? Isn't your body going to hurt?" You asked as you looked a little worried at him

"Nah, it's alright. You take the bed"

"But we can share the bed!" You exclaimed, until you realised how wrong that came out to sound like. "Okay, what the fuck"

Since he was living in a small apartment, covers laying on the ground were the bed Dazai used to sleep on, but since he decided to be a gentleman tonight and an unknown feeling took control over him when you mentioned the words let's share the bed, he took the only comfortable space in the whole place.

"Non, non, it's fine" he said, smiling at you like a dork

"U-umm..." you muttered after some time, catching his attention



"Are you alright?"

"How should I put it..."

"[Y/N]-chan, whatever it is, you know you can tell me--"

"I don't have any spare clothes"

The phrase seemed to echo in Dazai's mind as he stared at you, before tilting his head to the side in confusion.

The Night Of Our Death//Bungou Stray Dogs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now