XXII-Of paper bones and porcelain skin part 2

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"It must be hard... Growing without a mother and a father... More specifically, getting taken away from them"

"...Say what...?" You muttered

"[Y/N]-chan... You really don't know anything about yourself, right?" Kouyou asked

You lowered your head, looking at the ground, feeling how the oxygen was slowly leaving your lungs as Kouyou was waiting for an answer.


Tell me everything.


"My, my" Kouyou softly chuckled. "I see that burning desire to know the truth in your eyes"

You decided to stay silent...

"No talking? Well then, I guess I'll start"



"If you dare to lie to me just to put the old man under a good light, don't even bother talking" you said in a serious tone of voice, earning a frown from Kouyou

"I'll only tell you what I know"

"Alright. Go ahead"

19 years ago
Kouyou POV

[Y/N]-chan, after the doctors announced your father that you were born, he immediately rushed to your mother who was trying her hardest to breathe normally, since the birth exhausted her.

He looked at your mother with adoring eyes as she cradled you in her arms while she looked at him like she was going to fall asleep in any second.

"You can finally meet him... [Y/N]-chan" your mother said almost in a whisper

"Can I... Can I hold her?" Your father asked, making your mother smile a little

When your father took you in his arms, he looked at you, at how small you were and he couldn't stop crying of happiness.

"Honey, she looks just like y--"

But Mori-san couldn't finish his sentence when he saw his lover put a hand on you, making him look at her with shock filling his eyes.

Your mother, with her eyes closed, whispered to your father:

"...I love you..."

And that was the moment when your mother's hand let go of you and fell beside her as life slowly left her...


The moment when your mother, Isabella, gave up on life and left you and your father behind, it was the day when Mori-san swore that he will do anything in his power to keep you safe, the only one who reminds him of your mother...

Even if it meant he had to lie to you, later on... Coming up with fake stories about your father just to keep you safe when your grandma took you from him...

In that time, after you were born, your father was just an underground doctor and took care of you as much as he could. He would have you by his side almost all the time.

And that's how it went for two years, when you started to grow...

Enemies would use you to take your father down, since you were his weak spot. And he was about to lose you so many, many times...

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