XXX-The day we parted ways

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"This fight will decide the fate of our family" Mori said

"Only one of us will survive"

"Only one of us will have the last laugh"

"Only one of us will end this madness!"

Putting pressure on your right leg while your ability was ready to be used, you ran in Elise's direction as she ran in yours.

Only one though was in your mind now...


It's now or never!



With the simple call of the little girl's name, Mori could summon and configure her personality just the way he wanted.

When you were so close to get your hands on her, she levitated with no problems, but made you hit the ground head first which gave Mori enough time to remake Elise's personality.

Turning on your heel, you chased after Elise who looked like she was making fun of you while flying her wait out of your visual range.

You landed on the ground on your feet and with the simple snap of your fingers, lightning bolts had hit Elise, her small body taking such a hit that she fell right in front of Mori.

"Elise-chan!" He yelled once again, desperation being noticeable in his tone

"If I can distract him by injuring Elise, then I can destroy him!" You thought as you ran towards Mori

But what you haven't anticipated...

Was the scream from earlier which wasn't caused by desperation...

Mori simply took this as an opportunity...

When only a couple of inches were between you and him, something had sent you flying in the nearest wall. A grey cloud of dust and falling debris were the evidences that the hit was strong enough to almost kill someone.

Your limp body fell on the ground as in the cracked wall were now fresh stains of blood.

In the dust that covered your eyes, you could see how Elise was holding a syringe twice her size before the same medical utensil made contact with your body again and threw you a few meters away from Mori who hadn't moved a single muscle since this madness started.

Your eyesight was blurry, your whole body was hurting, your breath shortened, you could swear that you have sprained your ankle while chasing Elise and warm, red liquid was running down on your face.

You propped your hands on the ground, trying to get up, but only to have your nose bleeding from the high blood pressure while Mori and Elise walked towards you.

It didn't take much time, but you were already about to collapse...

His ability was stronger than you thought...

"I went head first into the matter... Again..."

Even though your vision was blurry, you could still see Mori making a call and what you heard made you hold onto dear life.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Dazai-kun"

You tried to get up on your feet, but only to fall back. You extended your hand like trying to reach for something while you crawled to him with the last hints of your power.

"No... No... You can't do this" you said, your voice sounding desperate as you tried your hardest to crawl to him. "Don't do this to him... You can't... You... You can't... I won't... I won't let you... He has suffered too much... because of you... I'll kill you... I'll kill you... I'll kill you... You... You..."

Mori looked at Elise and pointed towards you. The blonde girl took the order and the heavy syringe she was carrying so easily was raised in the air by her as your face twisted in horror before the impact.

"No... Don't do this... Don't do this!" You yelled at the top of your lungs at Elise as you could feel hot tears rolling down on your blood stained face. "I can't die! I can't... I can't die and leave him behind! I promised him! I have to... I have to go back to him! I--"

And the next thing you saw in front of your eyes was only black...

A small, scarlet river fell from your mouth on the ground, painting the green roots of the flowers that slowly started to wither around the lifeless body...

With a painful sigh, Mori turned the body in front of him so that it was facing the ceiling and prayed for a minute before picking up an untouched, healthy flower and put in between your arms that were resting on your chest.

Next to him was Elise and she got on her knees, paying her respects before disappearing from Mori's sight.


𝓘'𝓶 𝓼𝓸 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮 𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮, 𝓞𝓼𝓪𝓶𝓾...


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