XIII-Save me part 2

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"Atsushi's and [L/N]-san's current location is..." started Ranpo as he pointed somewhere on the map of Yokohama. "Here"


...On the sea?!


Author POV

"Traveling east-south eastward at the speed of 20 knots... towards the high seas" explained Ranpo. "They're alive... for now"

"A ship...!" Said Fukuzawa when he took in the whole situation. "Is it heading overseas?"

"This is bad..." muttered Dazai as his eyes were still locked on the spot where Ranpo's finger was

"If they're transported out of the country, there's nothing we can do" said Kunikida while Fukuzawa threw to Dazai a pair of keys

"What about we don't waste time anymore, Kunikida-kun?" Said Dazai as he caught the keys

"Are those...?"

"We have a small speed boat at the port" said Fukuzawa. "You should be able to make it on time if you go now"

"You heard the President, Kunikida-kun" Dazai said with a smile as the mentioned male hummed in response and they both ran out on the door

"But I drive" said Kunikida, taking the keys. "We both know that your driving is beyond horrible" continued the blonde male as Dazai just chuckled at his statement, knowing that he was right


With you

"Great" you said, throwing your arms in the air in exasperation. "This is so great"

"[L/N]-san, p-please, we'll come with a solution to this" Atsushi said as he tried to calm you down

"What solution, Atsushi?" You sighed frustrated. "We're in the middle of the fucking sea!"

"Wait" said Kyouka all of a sudden. "I hear someone comi--"

In the same time, you felt something wrap around your waist and legs and you saw the world upside down before you were thrown in a couple of boxes, leaving you out of breath.

"Holy crap..." you cursed under your breath when you heard the sound of stabbed flesh

"I stabbed you where it's fatal" you heard Akutagawa say to Atsushi who was pinned on a wall by the Mafioso's ability, Rashoumon. "But you're spared due to the man-tiger's regenerative power, huh?"

Akutagawa's Rashoumon was a shadow-like black beast that helped him a lot in combat and made a lot of people shiver in front of him. You tried your hardest to stay calm as it seemed the ability sensed your fear, making all of your muscles stiffen while it started to hold you tigther than before by the waist.

Taking a deep breath, you silently prepared your ability and touched the shadow-like beast, sending an electroshock through the ability's and Akutagawa's bodies. The Mafia's member couldn't move as the shock was still running into his whole being, until you took your hand back and the ability vanished as well.

"Why are we here? Why are we in the middle of the sea?" You asked in a lower voice as you managed to drag your injured leg to where Akutagawa and Atsushi were

But no answer came from the Mafioso as the only thing that came out of his mouth was his heavy breathing, until he got up like nothing happened and in less than a second, you got brutally kicked in the abdomen, making you choke on air, landing on your knees.

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