X-Just a friend to you

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The next day
Author POV

"Breathe in... and breathe out..."

You took a few deep breaths before you opened the door and went outside, while your grandma was right next to you, giving you an encouraging smile when you looked at her

"Well..." you started as you opened the door. "I'll get going no-- HOLY FU--"


The very first step you take outside of your house in almost 4 days of hiding under the blankets and you are attacked by a really affectionate Dazai. You didn't mind him hugging you, but for some time, it felt kind of weird and not in a bad way or anything...

Your heart started beating so fast, that you started to panic, thinking that he might hear it as a bright shade of pink colored your [S/C] cheeks.

"H-hey!" You kind of stuttered as you tried to push him off of you. "You just saw me yesterday, what's up with you?"

"I'm just so happy to see you walk outside of your house in such a long time~" Dazai replied as he looked at you with innocent eyes, but still, his face was so close to yours

"Too close" you mentally freaked out as you looked away. "I-It's been only 4 days, stop it"

"[Y/N]-chan, are you alright?" He asked as he had a worried look on his face. "Are you still not feeling well?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Your face is all red"


"Uhh... I-I'm fine! Don't w-worry!" You exclaimed as you waved your hands in protest while he pressed his forehead against yours and boom, you were malfunctioning

"But you're burning!--" he tried to say, until you grabbed him by the hand and started to run with him

"I said I'm fine! Let's go to work already! Bye grandma! Love you!" You said as fast as you could as you ran with Dazai... holding his hand

"Bye grandma!" He said before you took a turn and your figures disappeared in the blink of an eye

"Good lord..." your grandma sighed before she chuckled softly. "They're both so obvious about it"

"Wait, [Y/N]-chan!" Dazai said as you still held his hand and ran to the agency. "Slow down a little, why are you in such a rush?"

"W-we're late!" You stuttered, but still slowed down a little

"Never saw you so excited about work before" he smiled softly at you as you instantly blushed harder and looked away

"Fucking shit, what is this?!" You thought, being confused as heck

"But umm... [Y/N]-chan?"


"Umm... Are you sure that you're okay?"

"Yeah... Why are you asking again?"

"You're... holding my hand..."

You froze on the spot as you started to scream internally and Dazai chuckled softly, but as cliché as it sounds, he didn't let go of your hand, neither did you let go of his.

"S-sorry!" You exclaimed when you snapped back to reality and took back your hand. "Didn't mean to..."

And you both went silent for the rest of the walk, not knowing what to do or say. Yes, you were embarrassed and still processing what just happened, but Dazai? He wore a neutral expression as his hands were stuffed in the pockets of his beige trench coat.

"What's with you? Are you embarrassed as well? Or mad? What happened? What's with that unreadable look on your face? Hey... tell me... What's with you...?"

"We're here!" Dazai exclaimed, his cheerfulness startling you, making you jolt violently. "[Y/N]-chan, you've been acting all nervous for the whole morning. Do you really want to work today?"

You looked up at Dazai with your [E/C] orbs before you've let a sigh to part your lips and looked away as he looked at you with curious eyes.

"I'm just a little nervous" you muttered. "I've skipped work for 4 days, of course I need to come to the agency and do my job. I need to accept what I did and move on... And carry my sin to my grave... Even if it's... going to cloud my mind with awful thoughts... If I just stay in bed all day and cry... I won't solve anything... I won't bring her back... And no one will forgive me... But... I'm trying... I hope I'm doing it right..."

"Hey..." Dazai whispered as he put his hand on your shoulders. "[Y/N]-chan, you're doing amazing. Don't let others tell you otherwise. There are things in life that you'll regret doing, but later, you'll realise that maybe it was the right choice. Now chin up, [N/N]. Turn that frown upside down for me, okay?"

You just smiled at the suicidal maniac in front of you. It wasn't like him to say such nice things, only in situations such as this one, but you didn't mind. You had always found his words comforting, making you feel so much better...

You had everything you wanted in him... A best friend, a man, a nice and sweet guy, always there to make you feel better, leaving aside his obsession with death... and many other things that were like puzzle pieces that you had to put together to get the image of him...

And as you put the pieces together, one by one, you finally got the response to all of your questions...

"Oh no" you mentally freaked out as you looked at Dazai, trying to keep eye contact. "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

"Thank you, Dazai..." you said, smiling softly as you shyly looked away

And again, as cliché as it sounds, like it came straight out of a shoujo manga, you felt a pair of warm lips on your forehead.

It made you feel so calm... It made you feel so protected... It made you feel... loved...

Everything was so new to you... you didn't know how to react... Instead, your face flushed red as Dazai chuckled a little.

"Heard that hugs and even small kisses are making people feel better" he started to explain as your eyes were widened in shock. "Are you feeling any better?"

You just shook your head up and down as he started to laugh softly at you, before he opened the door of the building and made a gesture with his hand, letting you go inside first.

"After you~" he said in a sing-song voice as you took his offer and walked inside

"Why, thank you~" you giggled as he followed you inside. "You're so nice, these days"

"Hey, I'm doing everything I can to make my dear friend happy" he smiled brightly as your smile turned into a little sad look

"Y-yeah" you muttered, looking away

"Of course..." you thought while walking. "I'm your dear friend... I've always been... and I'll always be... But how the hell did I let this happen...?"


Why did I allow myself to like you when I'm just a friend to you?


A/N: I've been trying to write some fluff in the last two chapters after that long ass chapter

Hope it's okay

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