III-Caught between the lies

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Time skip
Next day
Author POV

"Give up, kid" said Kunikida. "Dazai's previous job is one of the seven wonders of the Armed Detective Agency"

"But wasn't there a prize for the one who guesses correctly?" Asked a guy with orange hair known as Tanizaki

"It is~" Dazai chimed. "But since no one guessed, the prize is growing and growing"

"May I ask how much is the prize?" Asked Atsushi

"Hmm, about 700.000 yen" replied Dazai as Atsushi was now determined to guess his former workplace

"So if I guess right, I get it?!" Asked Atsushi with the most determined look on his face

"A suicide advocate never goes back on his words" said Dazai as he had a smug smirk on his face

"Atsushi-kun seems excited..." muttered Tanizaki as his little sister, Naomi, held him tightly

"His determination is admirable" Naomi muttered back

And then, the random guessing game started, Atsushi's determination and randomness startling everyone in the room.

"Salary man!"




"Factory worker!"

"Nuh uh"






"Non, non"



"Japanese chef!"


"Fortune teller!"



"No way"




"No! But... That's flattering" said Dazai, his face was tinted with a light shade of pink as he held his face with his hands in embarrassment

"Ahhh, I give up!" Exclaimed Atsushi as he plopped on a chair

"I bet you were just wondering around" said Kunikida as the waitress from the coffee shop that was in the same building as the A.D.A. gave him a cup of coffee

"That's so mean, Kunikida-kun" said Dazai in a whiny voice

"It's too hard" whined Atsushi

"Don't worry, Atsushi-kun" said Naomi, trying to comfort him. "No one here knows what Dazai-san was doing before coming here"

"But" Tanizaki interfered. "I heard that [L/N]-san is the only one who knows what Dazai-san's former job was"

"Speaking of wolf" said Naomi when the door opened and it revealed your silhouette

"Good afterno--" you started to say as you closed the door behind you when Atsushi was in front of you

"[L/N]-san, you have to tell me!" Atsushi said in one go as you blinked fast a few times

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