XXVIII-Evil expects evil from others

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Time skip
The Armed Detective Agency
Author POV

"What kind of idea?" Dazai asked

"A collaboration"

"With who?"

"They are the strongest in all of Yokohama and they will protect this city more fiercely than any other. There are no better collaborators than this organization in our war against the Guild"

"... Atsushi-kun..." You muttered, already getting his idea as you looked at him with eyes widened in shock

"I'm talking about... The Port Mafia"

"No, no" you shook your head as the moment of yesterday was playing on repeat in your mind. "It can't be that bad... Right?"

You looked at the infirmary door before knocking and going inside, holding a letter in one hand.

The moment the door opened, Kouyou's eyes looked at you, quite surprised by your sudden visit.

"What brings you here, little higanbana?" Kouyou said with a smile

"Higanbana? (Lycoris radiata)" you muttered before walking to where she was sitting. "Osamu said you're free to go"

Kouyou looked at you with a surprised look on her face before you handed her the letter.

"Take this with you and hand it to the old man, as well" you continued before you took your leave

"What is this?" Kouyou asked as you looked at her with eyes that seemed to lack any emotion

"An invitation to the Agency's tea party"


"Ahhhhh, so unmotivated"

The voice you loved so much echoed in the whole office, just when you entered the room. You looked from the door to your boyfriend who was laying on the couch assigned to the guests, looking like he was going to melt and fall on the ground.

"Stop sounding like a broken trumpet so early in the morning, Dazai" Kunikida scolded the brown haired male who wasn't paying even the slightest attention to the idealist

"Right now, I don't even have the energy to talk to people, Kunikida-kun" Dazai said, his face pressed against the arm of the couch, his voice going from normal, to low in an amusing manner, like someone who refuses to get out of bed. Well, basically that was the situation

"I'm going to throw you out, you piece of non-flammable trash" Kunikida said, looking like he was going to murder Dazai

You shook your head and with a sigh, you decided to step in before your lazy suicidal boyfriend will get killed by the idealist who looked like he was going on a murderous rampage.

"Make space, girlfriend coming through" you said

"I don't have the energy to keep my eyes open, let alone move, [F/N]-chan" he said as you grabbed him by the shoulders, raising him up to sit down on the couch, his head falling on your lap shortly after. "Or you can do this, I don't mind" he looked at you with his characteristic smile as you playfully rolled your eyes

"[L/N]-san, I beg you, don't encourage his behavior" Kunikida said as your hand went in Dazai's hair, using your nails to slightly scratch his scalp, making him melt instantly

"He's baby" you shrugged

"I'm baby" Dazai shrugged

"Ladies and gentlemen, the demonic prodigy of the Port Mafia" you thought, looking at Dazai with a smile on your face

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