XXIX-Now or never

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Time skip
The next day
At the Armed Detective Agency
Author POV

"They said we've acquired intel on how to defeat The Guild!" Was the first thing Atsushi yelled when he stormed in the office. "Is it true?!"

"They're coming up with a battle plan in there" Tanizaki said, pointing to the closed door of the meeting room where Dazai and Ranpo were

And while they were coming up with a plan, you gathered all your nerves to write something down on a piece of paper.

You looked at the letter before folding it and taking it with you to Yosano's office.

After a few knocks, there she was. Yosano opened the door, looking at you confused.

"[Y/N]-chan? Something's wrong?" She said with worry in her voice before it changed to a devil like smirk. "Or perhaps you're injured?"

"I don't have time for this, Yosano-sensei" you said and the mentioned woman took notice of the seriousness in your tone as she made way for you to get in her office

"So... What happened?" She asked as you handed her the letter. "What's this?"

"Don't open it" you said, sitting on the bed of the infirmary. "I... I, umm... Well... You see, Yosano-sensei..."

"Take your time, [Y/N]-chan" Yosano said as she sat down next to you

"For the madness in my family to end, I have to fight against my old man" you said in one breath as Yosano looked at you with widened eyes. "And if I die--"

"Don't say that!" Yosano exclaimed. "You can't die! You're [L/N] [Y/N], you won't die! You have me, I'll save you with my ability!"

"Yosano-sensei, please let me continue" you calmly spoke as she sighed. "He has a strong ability. Even if it's just a little girl, his ability is strong and it can end me in a second, if I'm not careful"

"I know, but--"

"But of course, that doesn't mean I'll let him do that" you sassed as Yosano chuckled softly. "I'll kick his ass and end everything fast"

"...And what about the letter?"

"Well... If I really die... Give that letter to Osamu. But only if I die. If not, I'll burn it"



"Kyouka-chan is not a member of the Agency?!" Atsushi exclaimed when I walked out of Yosano-sensei's office

"Not yet, to be more precise" Tanizaki corrected him. "Every investigator has to go through the entrance exam before becoming a member. You went through that too, remember?

"It's not my problem" I shrugged it off as Osamu walked out of the meeting room and noticed me there

"I'll be back fast" he said with a smile on his face as I walked towards him. "I'm going to the old library so we can finally start the operat--"

I skipped the last step and jumped in his arms, hugging him tightly like for the last time as I could feel confusion was growing inside his head before returning the embrace, letting my head rest on his chest.

"Well, that's quite the greeting" he chuckled. "Everything will be fine, don't worry"

"That's not why I'm worried"

"I know" I said, smiling at him. "But I felt like giving you a hug"

"You should hug me more often, [N/N]" he said, kissing me on the top of my head

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