XXVII-The head may err, but never the blood

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A/N: Just to clarify some stuff (if y'all didn't get it already, but I'm sure y'all did), the reader is short. Sorry not sorry, I make the story

Time skip
Three days later
Author POV

"Good news, [L/N]-san" said the doctor as he looked on some papers. "Your back is doing a lot better and you're out of any danger. Looks like the accident didn't affect your spine. And about your coma... You still need some time to fully recover"

"Got that, doc" you said with a playful wink as the doctor just chuckled

"I'm glad to see my patients are doing better day by day" he said. "I guess that tomorrow will be a good time to let you go home"

And with that being said, the doctor left, leaving you alone once again as you just groaned loudly while letting yourself fall on the pillow.

"Ughh, this is so boring" you said, covering your face with your hands. "What to do..."

As you were pondering on what to do to kill boredom, you heard cars' horns outside, making a fuss in the streets.

"Traffic jam?" You asked yourself as you got out of bed to look out on the window

And you were right. Kinda...

It looked like an accident happened there as people were acting like crazy, making you furrow a brow.

That until someone literally threw a rock at your hospital room's window and crashed it in the process. Luckily, you dodged fast or else, you would have a nice tattoo in the shape of a rock on your face.

"What the fuck?!" You yelled, leaning on the broken window when something caught your eye, making you freeze on the spot

The Port Mafia...

"What the hell are they doing here?" You thought as you noticed a certain hat lover mafioso who happened to catch your eye in the same time you looked down there. "Shit!" You mentally cursed as you kneeled on the floor, hiding from him. "He'll 100% kill me, especially in my current state!"

Not too long after, you heard the one and only Chuuya yelling orders at his subordinates, which made you look out on the window again.

"Guard the traffic network with your life!" He yelled, his voice echoing loudly in the streets. "Shoot anyone who dares make a run at us!! If this keeps up, there'll be nothing left of where we conduct our business! This is an order from the boss: Guard it with your life!"

You looked a little amazed at the Mafioso's authority, at how he was just yelling orders and his subordinates executed, only to save the city from whatever is happening down there.

"As for you, mademoiselle" Chuuya said with a smirk on his lips as he looked at you and you gulped in fear

"Nope!" You immediately turned on your heel, wanting to run from the window, but he was already in your room, looking at you with a smirk on his face

"Bonjour" he greeted, a devilish aura floating around him as you started to sweat nervously

"B-bonjour...?" You muttered with a hand on the doorknob

"Don't worry, I'm not here with business, nor to kill you" he said, like he just have read your mind

"Hah, like you could actually kill me" you said, confident in yourself

But the confidence dropped immediately on the ground when he started approaching you and you walked backwards out of instinct until your back reached the wall and you started to mentally freak out.

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