VI-To kill and then to die part 1

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A/N: Daaaaaamn, that's my waifu
The edit tho
Credits to the original artist(s)

Present time

Fuuuuuuck, I'm going to be late!

My mind was filled with curse words as I was running to the agency. I don't know why, but I didn't even hear my alarm, nor I woke up early. Nope, I was late as heck.

"I should say hi to my early grave..." I thought as I reached the building, the image of Kunikida's rage flashing before my eyes. "Yikes..."

But something was really off this morning... It looked like a whole war just happened in there and that sent some cold chills down my spine before I opened the door to the office.

"G-good morn-- HOLY FUCK"

Author POV

You froze in place when you saw all the windows broken, unconscious bodies laying on the ground and Kenji throwing them out of the window.

"See you soon~" he said in a cheerful tone as he threw another one on the window. "Farewell~"

"Did we just... got attacked again?" You sighed while closing the door behind you

"I thought that the Port Mafia is scary..." you heard Atsushi mutter. "But the Agency is making me fear for my life..."

"Oh, come on" you said, patting him on the shoulder. "It's not such a big deal"

"Not a big deal?" You heard Kunikida repeat after you. "Not a big deal?! Can't you see that these people from the Mafia wrecked this place?! This wasn't written in my Ideals! This is the worst case scenario!"

"So this is the worst case scenario you've been talking about?!" Atsushi exclaimed

"Pretty much, this is Kunikida-kun's worst case scenario" you replied. "Did you think it'll be worse?"

But Atsushi didn't reply. He looked at everyone trying to clean up that place until you heard him sob quietly.

"Atsushi-kun? Are you okay?" You asked as he wiped his tears

"O-of course I am!"

"Hey kid, are you crying?" Asked Kunikida as Atsushi's face was red in embarrassment

"N-no, I'm not!"

"Are you su--"

"I'm not crying!"

"[L/N]-san" you heard a female's voice calling you, making you turn your head in the direction where it was coming

"Haruno? What happened?" You asked, turning to look at the brown haired woman as she fixed her glasses

"Forgive me for interrupting your conversation" Haruno replied as she handed you some papers. "But you have another case"

"Oh, sure" you simply said, looking through the document, until your eyes widened in shock. "A case of murder?!" You exclaimed. "But isn't this Ranpo-san's job?!"

"I have to disagree with you, [L/N]-san" you heard Ranpo's voice from the other side of the room as he was chewing on his sweet treats like always. "I'm not the only one who gets cases of murder"

"But, Ranpo-san!" You exclaimed as you walked towards him. "You're one of the people that can solve cases of murder due to your Ultra Deduction. And you know that I rarely get cases like this one"

"You've read the papers, [L/N]-san" Kunikida interfered

"Shit..." you cursed under your breath. "Alright, alright. Let me get my partner in crime and I'll be gone in a minute"

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