New Year special chapter-My wish

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Night time
Almost 12 pm
The [L/N] household

It's almost midnight.

Everyone awaits for the countdown when we'll finally enter the new year.

Everyone will make new promises.

New year, new me.


To be honest...

I'd rather be myself, just like all the other years.

Sure, maybe I'll make some changes here or there.

But all in all...

I'm thankful.

For everything.

For everyone.

The A.D.A. is and will be my family until the very end.

And I'm glad to enter the new year with them.

It's 11:55 pm...

Only 5 minutes left of this year.

Is everyone here?

Atsushi-kun and Kyouka?


Kunikida-kun, Ranpo-san and Yosano-sensei?


Kenji-kun, Tanizaki and Naomi?


The President?


And a certain suicidal maniac?


It's 11:57 pm...

3 minutes left...

"Everyone, 3 minutes left until the countdown!"

Everyone had their eyes on me as excitement filled the house.




Ready since this morning.

It's 11:58 pm...

Only 2 minutes left...

I can see how Yosano-sensei and Ranpo-san are excitedly shaking the champagne bottles, while Atsushi-kun, Kyouka and Kenji-kun are getting the fireworks ready.

I couldn't help, but let a smile spread on my face.

I lost people this year...

I met new ones...

I made enemies...

I escaped the merciless hands of the death countless times...


Even in 20 years in the future...

Let's stay the same...

As a family...


Before I could get lost in my thoughts and lose the countdown, a warm hand took mine and gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

I looked up only to be met by Osamu's gaze as he had a warm smile curling the corner of his lips.

"Nervous?" He asks before he wrapped his hands around my waist

"A little..." I said as I cupped his face

"Look at us, love... We're entering the new year together... Aren't you excited?"

"Of course I am. But... I'm still a little bit scared"

"It's something normal..."

Author POV









"I love you..."

"I love you too..."

As the final countdown was close to its end, the happy couple shared a kiss...




"Happy new year, [Y/N]-chan"

"Happy new year, Osamu"

"We could say that we kissed for two decades" he chuckled as you did the same

"You dork"

"Yo, lovebirds!" Yosano yelled before she opened the bottle and the cork flew at an inhuman speed into Dazai's head. "Go get a room!"

"Yosano-sensei!" You both whined, you being flustered as heck and Dazai because of the bottle cork that just flew into his head


A/N: Happy new year, everyone! Hope this year will be just how you guys want it uwu

But before this year ends, I wanted to say thank you.

This year was the year when I decided to start as an author on wattpad. Without you guys, I'd still be a no one. Writing for y'all and seeing that you appreciate my work, it makes me so happy, it makes my heart go uwu

This year was fucked up, but all in all, I'm thankful for meeting many of you and talking to you, even befriending some of you uwu

I love you all so much uwu

See y'all in 2020 uwu

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