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When he opened the front door and ran into the living room, he found you sitting on the couch, your eyes glued to the TV as tears were rolling down on your face like rivers.

You slowly turned your head to look at Dazai who tried to catch his breath as he had a worried look on his face, not moving an inch while you pointed to the screen and a small laugh escaped your lips.

Small laughs escaped from your throat and soon enough they turned into broken sobs as your finger was still pointing to the black TV screen.

"[Y/N]-chan..." he muttered, trying to approach you

"My whole life..." you whispered. "My whole life... I lived in a lie..."

"[Y/N]-chan, please... calm down" he whispered as he sat down next to you

"My father... he's not dead..." you whispered as you held your head with your hands. "My father... my real father... is... I... I..."


My real father is Mori Ougai.


Author POV

Silence was what filled the whole house as both you and Dazai tried to process the news that neither of you could take in. But, despite the fact that you two tried to deny it, it was the truth... The truth that has been hidden from you for almost your whole life...

The only source of light got turned off when the TV reached the inactivity point and the two of you were left in complete darkness.

In the next second, you felt a pair of cold hands wiping the tears from your face, but you refused to look at the owner, despite him calling your name countless times.

"[Y/N]-chan" he called again in the same calm voice. "Hey, look at me. Please..."

"I'd rather be dead instead of that monster to be my father" you said, finally looking at Dazai with empty eyes

Dazai clicked his tongue in annoyance, clearly unsatisfied with your answer, before he grabbed you by the chin, bringing you closer to his face and closed his eyes as he took a deep breath.

Without any hint of hesitance, he captured your lips into a passionate kiss as the same feeling from the night you two had your kind of first kiss made you feel warm inside, once again.

And that feeling was love.

You felt loved.

For a second, you seemed to forget how your life changed in less than 24 hours as your hands wrapped around his neck to deepen the kiss while his hands went down to hold you by the waist.

You both pulled away due to the lack of oxygen, breathing heavily, his warm breath ghosting over your trembling lips, before he let his head fall in the crook of your neck.

"And I'd rather you to stay alive and let me do that again" he said in a lower voice as words seemed to get stuck inside your throat, not being able to form a coherent phrase. "I liked you from the beginning, [Y/N]-chan... I like everything about you... No. A better word would be love. I really do love you, [Y/N]-chan... I always did... But I was too ignorant with my feelings..."

"Y-you know..." you whispered. "I was always a tiny bit jealous when you flirted with either Maid-chan from the café or with any other woman..."

"Only a tiny bit?" He chuckled softly as you smacked his shoulder

The Night Of Our Death//Bungou Stray Dogs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now