II-The hunt

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But that happened a long time ago...

Our story continues, 4 years later...


4 years later
Yokohama, 20xx
Tsurumi river
Author POV
(Reader is 19 years old)

"You said he was with you!! Where the heck is he now?!"

"Relax, Kunikida-kun. We'll find him"

The blonde male known as Kunikida kept on yelling as a [H/C] haired young woman was following him with a tired expression on her face.

As you and Kunikida were walking around the river, on the other side, you spotted a so familiar head of dark brown hair, waking you up instantly.

"Oi, Kunikida-kun" you called the taller male as he was looking in his little notebook

"What happened, [L/N]-san?" He asked as he looked up

"Found him" you said as you were pointing to a tall man with a coat the same color as the sand as he seemed to scold a boy with white hair

"Dazai, you suicidal maniac!!" Yelled Kunikida, making you chuckle a little. "We have been looking for you for ages!! Get back here!!"

"Give me some space, Kunikida-kun" the man called Dazai said, waving his hand in a bored manner. "I was trying a river suicide, but this kid interrupted me"

"Interrupted you?! I saved you!" The boy with white hair retorted as you let out a deep sigh. He was at it again with his suicide attempts which always comically fail

"If the kid saved you, why don't you treat him, Dazai?" You asked as the attention was on you now

"About that..." he said as he awkwardly chuckled. "I lost my wallet in the river"

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Oh! I have a great idea! Hey, those two are my associates. Let them treat you" said Dazai as Kunikida's glasses literally cracked

"Don't you dare use my money because you're an imbecile, Dazai--" Kunikida retorted, but you interrupted him

"Huh? What's that, Kunikida-kun? You're going to pay? How nice of you!" you said with a mischievous grin on your face

"Then it's settled!" Said Dazai excited

"Is anyone listening to me?!" Kunikida yelled again as you covered your ears

"Hey, kid! What's your name?" You yelled from the other side of the river

"It's N-Nakajima Atsushi" he replied a little unsure

"Nice to meet you!" You yelled back. "I'm [L/N] [F/N]!"


Time skip
A random restaurant

"I'm going to kill the both of you" muttered Kunikida, trying his best to not let his anger out as you and Dazai high fived, both of you wearing a smug smirk on your faces. "Now look at the time! Dazai, [L/N]-san, let's get back to work already"

"Why are you always in such a rush, Kunikida-kun?" You said in a bored tone as you let your head rest on the table

"Because no sane person would let this maniac alone and no sane person would look at a river and say, 'What a nice river', and then dive into it while we're working!!" Kunikida yelled at the two of you as Atsushi didn't care, he continued to eat his chazuke. "I'm off-schedule now because of the two of you!" He continued as he held his precious notebook

The Night Of Our Death//Bungou Stray Dogs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now