V-The girl who survived

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A/N: [N/N]-nickname
Trigger warning: sensitive topics like bullying, verbal and physical abuse

Read at your own risk

Three years later
(Reader is 18)
After school
Author POV

Since then, three years had passed by fast, you couldn't believe you were in your last year of high school.

These three years were the best. You had Dazai and you didn't need other friends. He even explained to you that there is a considerable number of people with special abilities out there and that he was one of them.

"That's so cool! What does your ability do?"

"My ability? Well, I can nullify other abilities just by simply touching the person"

"So cool..."

"You might be an ability user too, y'know?"

"Yeah, sure. Like something so cool will ever happen to me"

"I agree that abilities are cool, but some of them are literally curses. It depends on every ability holder what they decide to do with it. They can either do something good with it and succeed or fail and get themselves destroyed"


Another time, he even told you about some people that you shouldn't interact with, more like the people from the Port Mafia.

"If you see a red headed dwarf coming your way, just run away from him"

"The hell?"

"His name is Chuuya Nakahara and he's a little bitch"

"Alright... Got it. Stay away from a crazy red headed little bitch"

"Jokes aside, his ability allows him to play with the gravity just the way he wants. So be careful"


Hangman: Almost done with work. Gonna come pick you up. See you later, Bella Dona~

[N/N]: Don't Bella Dona me

[N/N]: See ya soon

You sighed as you put your phone back into your school bag, but shortly after you started to smile softly.

"Goddammit, Dazai" you thought, taking your school bag and heading to the bathroom to fix you up a little before your suicidal friend came to pick you up

When you come to think about it, you didn't mind having him as your only friend. Everyone else is just either boring or too bitchy for you. You see, you were that kind of person that enjoyed to be rather alone than surrounded by idiots. But again, you didn't mind having him as your only friend. Besides, you were really happy.

You looked at yourself in the mirror of the bathroom, dusting off your school uniform while the door behind you closed, the sound of it making you flinch a little.

And there they were... Your average mean girls that simply enjoyed to tease and to make fun of you. They had picked up on you a few times, but it wasn't as bad as what was going to happen...

"Hey, slut" one of them, a girl with the most hideous shade of pink as her hair color, called as you decided to not pay attention to them

"Just ignore them..." you thought, taking your school bag as you were heading to the door of the bathroom. "Just ignore them like everyone else"

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