XV-Hana's lullaby

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A/N: Did I just insert my oc?

Heck yeah, I did

You'll see why and I thought it would be nice to add some characters

But don't worry, I won't get in the way if y'all get what I mean 7w7

Listen to the song at media for a better reading experience, you won't regret it

And check my oc at media (well, not really my oc, all credits to the artist, I couldn't find something that would suit her better)

Also, this is kind of a 1K special, y'all will get to interact with me in this story ùwú

Let the cringe begin =^=


"Maybe I should try and stop these feelings... He will never see me as his lover..."

"I need to show her that I have feelings for her... I need to act fast, until it's not too late"

Two days later
Author POV

Two days have passed since the day the one and only Dazai Osamu realized he has feelings for his dear friend, [L/N] [F/N].

And two days have passed since the day she decided to try and stop her feelings in order to not destroy their friendship...

But it was all in vain, you couldn't stop liking him. I mean, come on. It's Dazai Osamu we're talking about.

But all in all, today was quite peaceful. It was already evening and some of the A.D.A. members started to take their leave, waving the others goodbye, wishing them a pleasant night.

So by 9 pm, the only ones left were you, Dazai, Atsushi and Kyouka.

"And done!" You said in a kind of cheerful, but tired voice as you turned off your laptop. "I thought it wasn't going to end, holy crap"

"With this, I guess we're all done" said Atsushi, stretching a little. "We all should head home"

"I agree" you said before you yawned. "God, I feel like I've been working for eternity at these cases"

"Thank you for all of your hard work, everyone" said Fukuzawa who just came into the room. "You may go home, now"

"Good work today, [Y/N]-chan" you heard Dazai say as he ruffled your hair a little

"Y-yeah, th-thank you" you muttered, avoiding his gaze as a blush creeped on your face. "But stop ruffling my hair, I'm not a puppy"

"I wouldn't say a puppy" he whispered into your ear. "I would say... a kitten"

"Okay, you womanizer" you said, pushing him away. "Your flirting has no effect on me. I got used to it"

"Of course I got used to it... I don't even know when you're serious or not" you thought as you walked away from him

"Ah!" You heard Dazai exclaim all of a sudden, making you flinch. "You're hurting my feelings, [Y/N]-chan" he whined as you furrowed a brow at him. "Guess I'll... go find a pretty woman to commit a double suicide with her"

"C'mon, c'mon. If she gets jealous, that means she..." Dazai thought as he tried to look hurt

A/n: For a better reading experience, play the song at media

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