• Chapter 1 •

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It was another wonderful day. Well not literally. Quite the opposite actually. Today I woke up with my mother lecturing me about my future.

"What?! I refuse to!" Here we go again.

"Don't raise your voice to me young lady! You are to be married to him and that is final!" My mother yelled to my face, leaving my room was the next thing she did. I sighed heavily as I thought of me being married to a man I never met. I mean, you can't just marry a man you have never met in your whole damn life! It's weird, and kinda creepy in my opinion.

"Tsk! I hate arranged marriage!" I mumbled to myself. I did really hate that kind of marriage. What if the man hates the woman? What is the woman hates the man? You see, that's why, to be honest I have read some books with this kind of situation I am in. The two usually falls in love with each other then they got married. Some were where the female falls in love with the male but the male loves another man and vise versa. I just hated it, completely despite it. Like hell will I do that.

"Princess Y/n, your father called for you." My butler, Arthur, had spoke without me noticing how he entered my room.

"Why does he need me?" I replied, I am clearly annoyed right now, my mood is just really not good. I mean really bad, as in bad bad.

"He said that he wanted you to meet someone" Meet someone? Great! I'm really excited! Note the Sarcasm. Groaning, I answered,

"Ugh, wait a minute, just let me do my things"

"Alright princess." With that he left, closing the door. And with a sigh I plopped down at my large bed. Why is everything so annoying today? I quickly put on my shoes and went outside of my room and where I saw Arthur.

"Hello Arthur, so where is father?"

"At the dining room my lady."

"Artie, didn't I told you to just call me Y/n?"

"But your majesty I-"

"No buts."

"Alright then princess- I mean Y/n, your father is waiting for you in the dining room"

"Thank you." With that I walked silently to the dining room, imagining how does this future husband of mine looks like. I know it'a all of the sudden but, it just came to my mind. I imagine him being so childish. Nope! Mother told me he was mature enough for me to marry. Maybe old? Like 40 years old? Nu uh! Mother told me he was at my age. How about this, a man that has a straight face, or emotionless face? Hmmm good enough! Maybe that's the one mother was talking about.

"Y/n, darling! Welcome! I would want you too meet somebody, unfortunately he's a little late, we can wait for him, come and sit he-" but before father could finish his statement I heard a loud 'bang' from my back. Goodness can't they open the door quietly? I turned around to see a male with brown hair and pruple eyes. How odd, I usually don't see someone with that type of eyes. How rare.

"You know it is rude to stare at a stranger." said the male with a strict face. Gosh how sensitive are people these days?

"Oh I'm sorry, I don't mean to stare at your 'beautiful' face" I spoke mockingly, not really knowing the man who I was talking to.

"Y/n, it's rude to talk like that, I am sorry prince Roderich, please sit down, you too Y/n so we can discuss your marriage."


Editor : Dishonor-on-you

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