• Chapter 3 •

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Time passed like a blur, I continued hanging out with Roderich until we became friends. I kinda wish for something more, but I think he loves someone else. I guess? Anyways, I was still in my room thinking about what happened the past days ago. It was very fun and exciting. I usually do that alone. Oh well. I sat up in bed and groaned in annoyance. I don't feel good today, it might be the effect of yesterday. Me and Rod played in the rain, well, I was the only one who played. He just stood watching me with a smile. How I love that smile he showed me.

"Y/n?" Speaking of Rod, he's here.

"Yeah what do you need?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"Goodness! You don't look too good." he enterned my room and walked towards me. Please stay away, I don't want you seeing my awesome self sick. Wait, I sounded familiar. Oh yeah. Gilbert.


"Lie down liebe." wait what? Liebe?? Isn't that the german word for 'Love'? Heck he called me 'love'??? "Why are you staring at me like I killed a person?"

"Oh sorry sorry, I just got distracted."

"Oh really? In what?" Holy shit what will I say???

"Uhhh, your eyes!" Yeah his- WHAT?! "They're beautiful." Holy fuck I did not did that on purpose.

"Thank you, what an odd thing for you to say."



The day moved pretty fast, unlike the other days which is boring and slow like a turtle(ps from Mav:turtles can be fast if they want to and no one can change my mind). I was at my bed reading some books that Roderich had suggested me to read. It was about a slave who became a princess just because of a shoe. Yep! You know it! It was Cinderella! I'm kinda into it right now. How I wonder if I have married not by force but by love.

"Y/n? May I talk to you?" Oh it's mother. What does she want now.

"Yes mother?"

"I have noticed you got closer to prince Roderich, how was your days with him?" Uhhh can't really answer that mom.

"Well it was really fine, at first we hated each other." She chuckled, she literally just chuckled?! What's so funny about us hating each other.

"You know, you and your father were like that when we first met, I was a snobby princes and he,.. he was a playful and annoying prince." I don't have time for this mother.


"Well after years of hating each others guts, we just suddenly fell in love. I don't remember why though." Yeah mother, I get it. Geez. "What were you saying darling?" I did it again, how nice.

"N-nothing mother, I was just thinking"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you why I am here." she laughed to herself.

"What is is mother?"

"Well your father and I have decided to throw a ball for your 18th birthday."

"Woah! Okay, can you leave now?" I said in an annoyed tone.(Author-senpai:Rude much princess lololololol)

"Of course darling, I will see you later." with that she left. I sighed as she left. Yey anothor ball. I hate balls, especially the ones that were my birthdays. It was the worst. I need to dance to every prince, it makes my toes hurt. Honestly, why do us princesses need to be tortured everyday? Sighing for the second time, I dove my face into the pillow in my bed. Letting out another groan, I thought of how Roderich was doing right now. What could he be doing?


Roderich's POV

I am already in my room, thinking about Y/n. I honestly do not know why. I don't really love her, I just like her. My eyes were just for another woman, Elizabeta Héderváry, the princess of Hungary. She was really different from Y/n, Y/n was more active and playful while Elizabeta, she was uhh. You can't really understand her. Anyways, I lied at my bed, suddenly a picture of Y/n smiling popped in my head.

"Why?" With a groan I said." I should just probably sleep" with that I lied at my bed once more and dove into complete darkness.


Editor : Dishonor-on-you

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