• Chapter 23 •

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"Look Y/n, I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend."


This is....... even worse. You began struggling from Roderich's tight grip when suddenly.......


The doors were widely open by a random employee. Their eyes trailed at the both of you who was in a really, really, really awkward position in which Roderich was straddling you amd you know the rest if, if not then read the previous chapter.

"Aaah! I'm really sorry for disturbing Mr. Edelstein and Y/n, I thought I just heard some shouts. I'll be leaving now." With that the employee shut the door back close with a blush and went back to their cubicle while you two were still at the floor. You finally got the chance to free your hands from his grasp and take the tie off your mouth.

"Hey! R/n(random name)! It isn't what it looks like!" You yelled, pushing your boss away and was almost about to leave the room but Roderich pulled you again.

"Leave him/her alone."

"But sir I-"

"So do jou agree?"


To answer that, yes you did, it took a lot of begging from him though. Meanwhile, when you told Elizza, she began fangirling about it.

"Dude, I just need to pretend,"

"But you're getting married!"

"Boss said we'll get divorced after a few months so don't get your hopes up!"

"Nah! You two won't unless you love eachother." You face suddenly turned red.

"Is it really necessary to fangirl about something fake? And, he probably loves someone......"

"Awww, what a tragic love story. Welp! Most of the movies I watch are just like this, by the end of the time you two will both realize that you love eachother.

"Shut up!"

"So when will you two start? And why did he need a fake girlfriend?"

"He said that his father said that if he still dosen't have one he will engage Elizabeta back at him and he dosen't like that to happen."

"Noice, I really like this thing."

"Just shut up will you?"


A month had already passed, Roderich let you meet his uncle. But before that he gave you a makeover. Bought you dresses, accessories, etc. Went to the salon to fix your hair, maicure, pedicure and etc. He then bought you some new stuff like a new phone, a new bag, new shoes, a condo by yourself and a car. Honestly you didn't know what to do with those things he gave you. You asked him if you will be returning these things back to him when the acting ended but he said that it was all yours and you can keep it all, oh how lucky you just were.

"Alright, so all jou need is to act naturally. Don't do anzthing common or else we'll get caught."

"Yes sir,"

"Just call me Roderich or whatever nicknames that are for couples."

"Ehh, how about-"

"No time for zhat, let's go." You both entered the large mansion, you were really amazed about it. It had loads of flowers and plants everywhere. You two finally reached your destination which is inside a green house. There are lots and lots of plants that are displayed everywhere.


"Ah, Roderich, so jou found a girl in just a short time? My, aren't jou talented."

"Greetings uncle," the austrian then glanced at you, signalling you to say something.

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