• Chapter 16 •

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Elizabeta's POV

That Y/n girl swems to be taking my Roddy away from me. I can't let that happen, he's mine and only mine.

Roderich entered the room with his usual face, making his way to hus desk and typing away. I kept my eyes on him, every move was watched, his eyes darted to me and glared.

"Vhat's jour problem with Y/n?" He them spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"Jou look at her like she's a trash, now spit."

"That's because she's trash."

"How dare hou woman?!"

"So you're defending her over me?!" His glare hardened and I simply rolled my eyes. He then sighed and took a deep breath.

"Just tell me vhat's jour problem with her."

"She's taking you away from me."


"You heard me Roddy."

"Don't call me that! Get out of my sight!"


"Don't call me that! Get out of my sight!" You heard from your boss' office, after a few seconds the door shut open and a crying Elizabeta ran out of the office. You went there to get a peek and saw a glimps of a furious Roderich before the door automatically shut close.

"What are looking at?" You jumped in surprise as your coworker, Red, with a curious look on his face as he looked at you with his blue eyes. It was really weird that his name was Red, his hair is blue, his eyes are blue, even what he wears everyday, they're mostly all blue.


"Hiya there Y/n!"


"What cha looking at?" He tried looking over your shoulder which you pushed him away. "Awwwww, Y/n you're no fun."

"Vho's zhere?" Suddenly Roderich said from inside, Red smirked at you. You know this wasn't a good sign. Oh no.

"Boss! Y/n was peeking!" There was a long silence. You glared at the blue-haired male and he just smiled.

"Why you little-" but before you could pounce at him, you were called by Roderich.

"Y/n! Come inside please! I want to talk to you!" You knew that you were in trouble because of this guy. Glaring at him one more time, you entered the office with a frown.

"Yes boss?"

"Sit liebe." You gulped and made your way to the seat in front of his desk and looked down at your feet.

"What do you need boss?" Your hands were now shaking in nervousness.

"Just stay here, I want some company." You were shocked by what he said. Did he just asked you to accompany him? Holy shit! This is unbelievably awesome. "But jou'll still do some work." Your shocked face turned into a pout. Sighing, you stood up,of course Roderich was confused.

"I'll just go get my stuff then boss."

"Nein, nein. Not zhat work."


"Jou'll just be making me some coffee, zhat's all." You looked shocked once more,

"Really? But I can't leave my work."

"Ja Ich know zhat, but I'll just pass zhem to Red." You immediately smiled brightly, the thought of Red doing a lot of work just made your smile wider. He deserves it after all the silly pranks and things he pulled at you. "Jou'll be my assistant for today since Elizabeta just ran off."

"O-Okay sir, thank you sir." You bowed politely.

"Well, will jou make me some coffee?"

"Of course sir."


Forgive me, I accidentally unpublished this chapter and published it again

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