• Chapter 13 •

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And so you and Roderich ditched the party and just went to (fave. Fast food/Restaurant) and went to get some (whatever you like). You two were now walking to where the your boss parked your car. It was really far since the parking lot at (fave. Fast food/Restaurant) was full and you didn't know why. You were currently humming as the Austrian male stood beside you. You noticed that he was trying to say something but failed miserably so you beat him to it.

"You okay boss?" He stared at you for a moment and sighed.

"Y/n, please just call me Roderich when we're alone." You hummed in response, "And to answer jour question, nein, not really."

"How come?"

"Well, I just remember someone zhat looks like jou."

"Hmmm, I'll ask my mom if I have a twin." You jokingly stated and looked at him, his face was still the same, never changing.

"No, no, it's not like zhat. Jou looked really familiar when I first saw jou, it's like I've met you before or somezhing."

"Well I kinda felt the same when I first saw you boss." He stopped walking for a moment and looked at you.


"Yeaaahh, you looked really familiar, and your name to. I kinda dreamed of you before we met. The last thing I remember before I wake up was you hugging me in that dream then it went poof! Just like that."

"....." I-I zhink I dreamt of zhat too. I should ask someone. Thought Roderich and stared at you, then began walking again. You can see his car from the distance, it was really awkward between the two of you now. Roderich opened his car and let you in before he went in then drived you home without any word said.

"Thank you for driving me home boss."

"Jou're welcome, liebe and see jou tomorrow."

"You too Roderich!"


When Roderich arrived at his mansion he was immediately greeted by a brunette woman.


"Elizabeta? Vhat are jou doing here?"

"Awww Rod, don't you want to see your girlfriend?"

"Ex-girlfriend" the brunette male corrected, earning a frown from the female

"Eeeyy! What'sup losers."

"Gilbert." The both said with a growl, Roderich immediately pushed Elizabeta away from him and dusted his shirt.

"Nice chick jou have Rod." Smirked the German male as he leaned on the wall with his arms crossed.

"I'm not a chick Gil." The brunette woman answered with a glare. Roderich walked towards his room when Gilbert spoke again,

"Who says I was talking about jou? I was talking about the Y/n chick."


"Don't jou dare touch her Gilbert."

"Not yet."

"Wait! Gil, who's Y/n?"

"Roddy's date."

"Gilbert shut jour mouth up!"

"HIS DATE?!" With a sigh Roderich just left for his room and locked the door behind him.

"Ahh vhat a night."


A few days had already passed and you were once again at your work, many papers were on your desk as you typed on your computer, trying to finish it all by today. Another sigh escaped your lips, you stretched your arms and went back on typing.

"Hey, I heard that the boss is having a temporary assistant today until next week since Savannah was sick."

"I heard that too, I heard his new assistant is hus ex." Ex? Like Ex-girlfriend? Ex-wife? Or maybe just his Ex-crush? You felt something crack inside of you, your heart beated fastly and you felt lightheaded. And then suddenly, the office doors opened widely and showed a woman dressed in formal clothes(I don't know what it's called okay). You looked at her and noticed that she had beautiful chestnut hair and green eyes. She also had a smile that looks so sweet, you couldn't help but stare. Behind her was your boss with a glare.

"Hallo! I'm Elizabeta Héderváry, Roderich's temporary assistant!" Her voice was really cheery and nice but there was something about her that seems familiar. Her looks. It was really familiar. And her name too. Could it be.....


You talked to Elizza after your work about that familiar thingy thing. She searched about it and saw some results.


"Could it be.....?"

"Maybe, I mean, I looked familiar to you when we first met, Roddy looked familiar when you to first met, and the Elizabeta gitl looked familiar to you when you saw her."

"No god please, no!"

"You sound like a meme."

"Shut up!"

"Meh, that Elizabeta girl will probably make your life miserable and he'll probably take roderich again for sure. Or maybe not." You looked at Elizza.

"What do you mean?"

"Ehhhhhhh.... Ooohhh, got to go, boyfriend's calling." You groaned and banged your head at the table.

"Fuck it."


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