• Chapter 14 •

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What Elizza said was real, the next day you came to work you were greeted by Elizabeta with tons of paperwork. It was trice that you usually do. She kept bringing you files untik it was finally tome to go home. You were the only one left, you stayed because you didn't really like going home without your work unfinished. More hours passed and you were now really tired as fuck and it was time for Roderich to go home. He noticed you and approached you, tapping your shoulders. You looke at him, your face was like a zombie, your eyes had bags under then and your hair was messier than usual(you were also drunk from coffee/caffeine and I don't know if that even happens).

"Liebe? What are jou still doing here?"

"Oh, Roddy~ *hic*(what kind of ridiculous shit am I thinking? Seriously El? Drunk from coffee/caffeine, now read along and don't give a fuck about what I'm saying)"

"Why are jou still here?" He repeated tha question again, shaking your shoulders slightly.


"Y/n, you should go home, you can finish it tomorrow."

"B-but ms. *hic*(just pretend you're drunk 'kay?) Elizabeta tomd me that *hic* you'll fire me if I don't *hic* finish it by tomorrow morning."

"She vhat?!"

"Ooohhh~ You look so handsome~" A blush coated his cheeks and picked you up, bridal style."

"Let me take jou home, I'll finish zhe work for jou."

"B-but I wanna *hic* do it."


"Nein." A giggle escaped from your lips and wrapped your arms on Roderich's neck and snuggled at his chest."

"Rest." A sigh came out of him when he noticed that you were already asleep, she proceeded on going to his car and driving you home.


Knock knock

(Who's there?)
(I love you~)
(I love me too)(Alright keep scrolling)

The door opened and showed Elizza who was in pjs.

"Roderich? Y/n?"

"Long story, can you show me where her room is?" The brunette male asked the ravenette, Elizza gladly told him the directions and opened the door. He noticed that your room was really neat. Although some things were scattered on your desk, he lied your bed and let go of you but you pulled him closer.

"Please stay." You said in your sleep. A large blush came to the Austrian's face,

"I need to go Y/n."

"Please staaaay...... I-I love you..... but I know you don't love me back."

"Vhat are jou saying Y/n?"

"A-are you sure?"


"I love you and promise me that you'll come back" Roderich noticed that tears came out of your eyes that were closed and you pulled him closer. You could hear the sound of his heartbeat.


The next day you had a bad headache, you woke up with an arm wrapped around your waist, Oh no. I couldn't have..... looking at your side, you screamed and fell of your bed. A pair of footsteps was immediately heard from outside.

"B-Boss?!" A groan came out from Roderich as he rubbed his eyes and looked at you with a blush.

"Tell me what happened?!" Youe bestfriend yelled.


"What? I'm just asking."

"B-Boss, what are you doing h-here? At my b-bed?"



"W-what do you mean?"

"Jou pulled me with jou and jou wouldn't let me go so I stayed."



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