• Chapter 12 •

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You got ready for the party your boss was telling you. You wore a (whatever dress you like 'cuz I don't really care). You were now sitting in front of your dresser. You hair was loose, you looked at your reflection and sighed. Right there was you, but you thought it wasn't you. You were wearing light make-up. You sighed again and put your flats/hell-heels on. After a while you heard a knock from your front door. You slowly stood, taking your with you and opened the door.

"Good evening Mr. Edelstein."

"Good evening, liebe. Are you ready?" His face was still stern.

"Y-yes sir."

"Very well. Now come along."


You actually regretted going to the party. Why? Well simple, you weren't wealthy. You were just wearing a simple dress with some small make-up and some accessories while the women in the party, their dresses were designed just for themselves, their faces were caked with make-up and there were a lot of accessories on their body. You were kinda out of place. And now you were lost in the middle of the fucking party with only you, yourself and, of course, you by yourself standing in the middle of the large ballroom(of whatever).

"Stupid me. I shouldn't have agreed on going, stupid boss, leaving me all alone." You angrily muttered to yourself as you rubbed your shoulders because of the coldness. Suddenly, you saw a familiar black haired girl who has her arms wrapped on a black haired male. Before you could run to her you were pulled by a hand and the music began playing.

You were still looking at the familiar girl's direction when the guy that pulled you spoke, "Hallo liebe~" He's not Roderich, but you could tell that he has an accent like your boss. You looked at the man and saw red eyes that were glowing, a mop of white hair and a pale face.


"Y/n, right?"

"Umm..... do I know you?" The man shokked his head 'no' and smirked.

"Anyways, so jou're Y/n?"

"Yes, why'd you ask?"

"Well, a certain ASStrian won't stop talking about jou."


He twirled you before he spoke again, "Ja, zhe name's Gilbert, liebe, remember that~" With a wink, you blushed then suddenly remembered something.

"Wait! Gilbert? As in Gilbert Beilschmidt?"

"Ja." Your eyes were wide as saucers, Holy shit, I'm dancing with an idol. Fuuuuuuu- "Y/n! Zhere jou are!"

"Mr. Roderich?" You turned around and saw the familiar male, he grabbed you from Gilbert's grasp and pulled you beside him, with a glare sending to the red eyed male.

"Vhat did jou do to her?"

"Relax Roddy, I did nozhing. We just danced."

"Whatever, let's just go Y/n." Your boss gave Gilbert another glare then left, dragging you with him.



"Yeah! It's me girl!" You saw her run to you with a big smile.

"Elizza?! Why are you here?"

"I wouldn't like my boyfriend going in this party alone, so I went with him."

"But you didn't tell me?!"

"Oops?.... Anyways, where's your boyfriend?" Elizza wiggled her eyebrows and smirked at you, of course you blushed in responce and slapped her shoulder playfully.

"He's my boss, not my boyfriend!"

"Then why did he decided to bring you insteaad of Elizabeta?"


"You know, the hungarian model that like Roddy. Rumours say that those two are dating." You felt a pang in your heart when your friend saw that. Tears almost came out when you heard Roderich's voicr call you.

"Y/n! Vhere have jou been? Elizza? You know her?"

"Of course Rod, she's my bestie." Elizza gave you a hug which both your cheeks were squished.

"Y-yeah." You replied shyly.

"Zhat's good, anyways, I would like to take Y/n now. We're going." Thank God

"Aww, alright, bye bestie. See ya at home!" With that she left you both, Roderich gabbed your hand,

"Let's go liebe, before that devil woman finds me(Elizabeta : You're so mean)" Who?- Oh wait....

"I haven't ate some food yet!"

"You don't need to, I'll be treating you somewhere more comfortable."

"Ummm..... Okay?"


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