• Chapter 19 •

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You were now his official assistant. Elizabeta was furious because of that. She didn't want you to be near Roderich or even talking to him. But don't worry, you're a stubborn ass bitch and you didn't did what she told you. You were now packing all your things at your cubicle, today you were about to move at your boss' office. Packing the last things up in the box, you picked it up and walked to the office with Red.

"Got lucky, huh?"

"I sure did."

"Awww I won't get to prank you again." He pouted.

"Dude, what the hell?" You giggled, nearing Roderich's office door.

"Soo, see ya princess!"

"Bye Blue!"

"Hey!" Another giggle left your lips, you entered the office and there was Mr. Edelstein, he didn't noticed you until coughed. His eyes landed on your figure and he blushed.

"Oh, hello there Y/n. Just put your things in there." He pointed at the desk near the bookshelves. Ther was already a computer in there. You only needed to unpack some of your things. After unpacking, you did your work. Making your boss coffee, doing some paperwork, making him coffee again, then paperwork, then going to lunch, then gatting him lunch, then paperwork and then go home. You repeated that, also habding him files, and distributing files at the other employees. It was nice. Better than your last work. Although you always go home exhausted.


"Guess who's hoooommme~"

"Woah! Y/n you seem happy. What's the catch?" Your bestfriend asked, smiling brightly at you as she looked away from her book.

"Well..... you see... I'm boss's new assistant, well for a while I think." A squeal came out from your friend's mouth ans she went to hug you tightly.

"You're so, so lucky! Ahhhh, we're gonna celebrate! Or you just wanna go somewhere?"

"Well let's just go somewhere. The bar would be nice."

"Are you serious? You're going there?!"

"Well yeah, I haven't drank for a while."

"Don't be so ridiculous! You don't drink Y/n,"

"I do, you just don't know."

"Ehh? But why? You got a prob?"

"Nope, just wanna go drinking, YOLO." You heard Elizza sigh but then agree.



Well drinking wasn't really that fine. After a few drinks of (alcohol) you were heavily drunk. You tried dancing on top of the counter but gladly, Elizza stopped you before you could. You even tried taking off your clothes but Elizza smacked your head for that. Right now you were at sitting at the stool, bored out of your mind, Elizza told you to stay because she needed to go to the bathroom. The pub doors suddenly opened, showing a very familiar face. It was your boss. He also saw you.

"Y/n? Vhat are jou doing here?" He asked, sitting beside you.

"Roddy~" You slurred, he knew that you were obviously drunk as fuck.

"Y/n? Vhat are jou doing here?" He asked, he was smelling the (alcohol) you drank.

"Ohh, me? Well, what are you doing here too?~" Roderich was too embarassed to say it to you, but you were drunk, that means you won't really remember a thing the next day.

"It's just..... problems?"

"Eh? What kind?"

"Lovelife." I gotta say, you were a little jealous about that. You knew what he will say next since advance ka magisip.


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